英语人>网络例句>管理控制 相关的搜索结果


与 管理控制 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Industrial computer can be used in all walk a life to automatize production line, auto-inspect products quality, keep energy under observation, and so on. It is important for promotion of yield and quality, cost reduction, put out in safety, improvement working condition and realization of modern production control, etc. and that it is a efficient economic utility, most potential area.


For the open style controlling system, the controlling system nased on the PMAC is built. The layered step-up controlling system flatform is inplemented. Based on the control demand of the welding position,speed and stabilization, the three rings servo system that using the position as the external ring , the current as the internal ring and the speed as the centre ring. Using the Borland C++ builder 6.0, the PComm32PRO from Delta Tau and the SQL Server as the data bank engine.

在Borland C++ builder 6.0开发环境下和Delta Tau提供的PComm32PRO动态链接库,采用了功能强大的SQL Server作为数据库管理引擎,开发开放式专用焊接机器人系统的控制软件平台,主要包括以下模块:系统设置模块、状态监控模块、运动控制模块、专家系统模块、数据管理模块、在线指令模块和通讯模块。

Analysis on the balance of the production capacity and its burthen focuses on the sewing process accordin...


Analysis on the balance of the production capacity and its burthen focuses on the sewing process according to t...


The drain installations of city management is an important key link of civicism job, this text aim at the request of the drainage pumping station of city, design and implement a drainage pumping station remote monitoring system, the system falls into two part, upper monitor and lower monitor, thereinto , the function of upper monitor must have: setup system parameter, data pandect ,trends curve, view the alarm, data search, report form print and remote control, upper monitory user can look over the related information of pumping station, and control the pumping station when the pumping station allowable; the function of lower monitor must have: get real-time data and send the data, get alarm data and send alarm data, alarm tips, switch control mode and control pumps, lower monitor is a simulation application in pumping station, simulate the control and running about pumping station.


In order to control the foreign exchange risk more effectively, we set up a closed cycle control system to manage the foreign exchange risk. This system is divided into four parts.


It should adopt the measure of complete competition, contract, technology and management output control, stimulation and stock controlling to control copartner risk.


According to the characters of debris flow and risk controlling condition in mountain towns, The concentric circle theory of geography is introduced in this paper, The concentric circle model for debris risk control in mountain towns is discussed and the effect of "concentric circle model" in hazard risk control is analyzed.


From the angle that integrates the inner control IC with the process management PM , the paper tries to explain how to improve the inner control of an enterprise by enhancing the process management , and make the enterprise use its resource felicitously , efficiently and safely to meet its goal .


According to several years practice, comprehensively sum up measures of forcing culture technology of scale and dwarf on potted Bougainvillea as: a propagation of cuttage, which choose a mixture of 50%peat, 33% vermiculite and 17 sharp sand as cutting soil, and choose a semi-wooden shoot cut into 5~10cm length with 2~3 leaves as cuttings then touch 1% AA root powder, is lower cost and higher survival rate than that of tissue culture; Bougainvillea growth can be efficaciously regulated by pruning and using 2~5g/L PP333; bougainvillea can be induced to flowers by spraying 2.5~4.0g/L B9 and administering no more 11 hours daylight every day continuously; the florescence can be more prolonged about 20 days by spraying 50mg/L NAA while selling; and prevention and cure of pest and disease, etc.

根据多年的生产实践,从科学育苗、栽培管理、售前处理和病虫害防治等方面综合总结了叶子花的规模化矮化促成生产技术措施:选择泥炭土、蛭石和黄沙按3:2:1比例混合均匀的扦插基质,采用半木质化当年生枝条,剪成5~10cm长的2~3叶节一段,沾染1%自制生根粉的扦插育苗较组培育苗成本低,成活率高;结合修剪用2~5g/L的多效唑进行叶面喷洒能有效控制生长,矮化植株;选择2.5~4.0的丁酰肼叶面喷洒和每天保持不多于11h的短日照处理,能有效促进开花;销售前全株喷洒脱50mg/L NAA可延长花期20天左右;整个生产过程加强肥水管理、温湿度控制和环境清洁能有效防治病虫害发生。

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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
