英语人>网络例句>管理控制 相关的搜索结果


与 管理控制 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Taking distributed control system used by 220t/h circulation fluid bed boiler and 25MW double extraction condensing turbine as examples,aiming at the problems exiting in distributed control system,from the aspects of improving safety,generality,flexibility,control performance,integrative management ability,being easy to use and maintenance,adopts a serial of new ways and strategies,makes it being into the new control system which other control systems can't compare with.

以220 t/h 循环流化床锅炉及25 MW双抽凝汽式机组所使用的分散控制系统为例,针对分散控制系统在应用中所存在的问题,对该控制系统在提高安全可靠性、通用灵活性、最优控制性能、综合管理能力以及方便使用与维护等方面,采取了一系列新的方法与策略,使之成为其他控制系统无法比拟的新一代控制系统。

"Affiliate" shall mean in the singular or plural, any company, entity or business enterprise which controls or which is controlled by, or otherwise under common control with, a Party hereto and "control" shall mean direct or indirect ownership of more than fifty percent (50%) of the voting stock or other indicia of ownership of the controlled company, entity or enterprise or the direct or indirect authority to elect a majority of the Board of Directors or its equivalent, or to manage the business or affairs of such controlled company, entity or enterprise.


Furthermore,it gives out suggestions in the information construction and intendance measure.


With behavior study and hazard management as s starting point, HSE management system is a scientific, standardized and comprehensive management system integrating the principles of people oriented, line management, risk control and sustainable development into the management and operations of an enterprise.


It is able to initialize parameters; design and save test plan; input, save, reedit and activate test object info; real-time display of mechanics parameters and curves; programming test steps; management and report print of database.


This paper reviewed the related literatures to spare parts inventory management,discussed the progress of spare parts inventory management involving classification,demand forecast,inventory model and stategy,control approach,stockout and obsolescence,gave the future research trend——computer aided spare par...


The thesis emphasizes the planning management practice, and at the same time according to the cognitive route of "practice—theory—practice", grasps mainly the space influencing mechanism of city growth management. Based on the content of the growth management——including the location, speed, scale and mode of city development, the thesis analyzes empirically the mechanism of location choice, sequence control, speed adjustment and gross control, and stresses the logical relation between city growth management and urban growth and evolvement. Taking space as angle of view and focalizing on strategy, the research combines space-planning strategy with the analysis of the game between different stratum. It applies to the emending of city master plan in good time, and has proved practically effective.


The modernized hotel collects the guest room , food and beverage , communication , amusement , commercial culture and other various kinds of services and facilities are the integrated consumption place , the hotel organizes hugely , there are many service items , the amount of information is large , if you want to improve labor produce , lower costs , improve the service quality and management level , promote the economic benefits , must carry on the modernized information management through the computer ,《 Hotel Management Information System 》 is just designed for the occasion , it is developed and carried out by using Microsoft Office Access 2000 database system and ASP Technology , it include eight modules——foreground Prearranges subsystem 、 Customer message subsystem 、 Prearranges management subsystem 、 housekeeping subsystem 、 VIP management subsystem , it has many features——simple operation 、 friendly interface 、 good flexibility 、 high system safety 、 stable performance , this is the best choice for the hotel handler.

随着我国加入世界贸易组织,酒店服务业与国际市场接轨已成为大势所趋,酒店要迎接这场挑战,就必须提高整体竞争能力,提高整体竞争能力必须变革酒店的管理模式,提高管理水平,实施信息化建设无疑是实现这一目的的必由之路和明智之举。目前,我国酒店服务业信息化管理的进程缓慢,跟国外的酒店相比管理依然落后。在激烈的酒店业竞争中,如何能把握机会,保持自己的优势,立于不败之地呢?这就需要提供最好的服务,提供最完善的设施和最先进的技术。一个成功的酒店,其经营者不仅要提高服务水平和服务质量,从而提高客房占有率和回头率,还要有好的工作效率,并控制成本。在信息时代,更重要的是还必须要〖本文来自: www.paper51.cn 计算机毕业论文网〗有一个完善的管理信息系统,便于方便客人和更好地管理酒店。

The authors of this paper analyze important position of supply chain management and exist questions at present in enterprise quality management, put forward a proposal to SCM, make clear that supply chain strategy should be kept with the requires of enterprise development, make better to survey of supply chain market and to exploit new suppliers, strengthen controlling and managing to suppliers, draw supply chain management and Just-In-Time purchase model into enterprise ...

quality management ;本文通过分析供应链管理的重要地位,对目前企业中存在的供应链管理质量问题提出了改进建议,明确供应链管理战略应与企业发展战略相一致,加强对供应链市场的调研与开发,完善对供应商的控制与管理,引进现代供应链管理与准时制采购,最终实现&以顾客为关注焦点&、&持续改进&和&与供方互利的关系&质量管理原则。

Departments, staff, rights management; case information management; interrogation room management; communication control management; video data management; command information management.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
