英语人>网络例句>签证 相关的搜索结果


与 签证 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He foraged about in his bag for a long time, but couldn't find the visa.


B Someone guaranties he will get you a visa.


Aid workers waited for visas and the junta haggled about import duties on emergency supplies.


If you have skills needed in the Unite States, it could be grounds for immigrating.


For connoisseurs of chicanery, I have attached as Appendix A on page 22 a previously unpublished satire on accounting practices written by Ben Graham in 1936. Alas, excesses similar to those he then lampooned have many times since found their way into the financial statements of major American corporations and been duly certified by big-name auditors. Clearly, investors must always keep their guard up and use accounting numbers as a beginning, not an end, in their attempts to calculate true "economic earnings" accruing to them.

有趣的企业会计并不是件新鲜事,对于企业诈骗的专家,我特别附上班哲明葛拉罕在 1936 年所写未经出版有关会计做帐的讽刺性文章,自此之后,我们可以发现这种葛拉罕所描写的方法散见于各大美国企业财务报表中,而且全部都经过各大会计师事务所签证背书,所以对此投资人必须特别提高警戒,要了解在计算一家公司的实质的经济盈余时,会计数字只不过是个出发点,而绝非是最后的结果。

Sharing one of the world's longest and most rugged frontiers, India and China are the only two countries whose entire border is in dispute, without a mutually defined line of control separating them.


A lawyer for one of the two Swiss businessmen barred from leaving Libya since 2008 says a 16-month sentence for outstaying his visa has been overturned.


A lawyer for one of the two Swiss businessmen barred from leaving Libya since 2008 says a 16-month sentence for outstaying his visa has been overturned.


A lawyer for one of the two Swiss businessmen barred from leaving Libya since 2008 says a 16-month sentence for outstaying his visa has been overturned. The man Rachid Hamdani was convicted along with his compatriot Max Goeldi last year.


Hello, you have overstayed than the period you are allowed to.

I: 你好,你已经超过了签证所规定的停留期限。

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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
