英语人>网络例句>签证 相关的搜索结果


与 签证 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If hospitals are crying out for and willing to sponsor nurses then of course they should have priority over the 12 000 unsponsored cooks who have applied and who, if all were granted visas, would flood the domestic market.

如果医院都叫苦连天,并愿意赞助当然,护士,就应该有对谁,谁申请,如果所有获准签证,将涌入国内市场的12 000是非参与型厨师优先。

Prosecutors say Varsha Mehander Sabhnani and her husband, Mahender, seized the women's visas after they arrived in the United States in 2002 to work in the home as domestics.

检方说,瓦萨。萨贝那尼和她的丈夫在这两名印尼妇女 2002 年来美国到他们家中做家务后,扣押了这两名印尼妇女的签证

Prosecutors say Varsha Mehander ***hnani and her husband, Mahender, seized the women's visas after they arrived in the United States in 2002 to work in the home as domestics.


Rudd's hard line on immigration policy extends to those applying for skilled migration visas, writes Zuleika Arashiro

Zuleika Arashiro写道,陆克文政府的强硬移民政策已经殃及技术移民签证的申请人们。

Today more than 1m people are waiting in line to be granted legal status as permanent resid ents.

目前,超过 100 万人正在排队等候获得合法的永久居住权,然而每年只有 8.5 万个签证被分配给那些经济发展所需要的技术人员。

Then, come to FSAO with a photocopy of your passport and valid visa / resid ence


If you are already a citizen of another country and are considering becoming an Irish citizen (whether by exercising an entitlement, making a declaration or applying for naturalisation), you would be well advised to check first what the position is under the law of your present country of citizenship, in case any step you might take might be regarded under that law as depriving you of that citizenship.

这些说得很对,但爱尔兰法律并不关心申请Naturalisation的申请者是否愿意保留原始国籍(除非该申请人是交战国公民,这种情况司法部部长可以取消已经办法的Certificate of Naturalisation),所以法律上虽然是不存在同时具有爱尔兰国籍和中国国籍的可能,但是事实上只要中国护照还在有效期内并且有合法的目的地国签证,并且不要在中国境内以及中国驻外大使馆使用你的外国护照,还是可以以中国人的身份自由出入中国

After you get the Employment permit you can make your Residence permit.


You can apply to change the conditions of your work permit or to renew it.


For the first time, AIT suspected that I would stow away and rejected my application. My mother's application was rejected too without asking her any question...


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9She was a lively young woman with patience and imagination. A born teacher, she thought she could turn a deaf-blind person into a useful human being.(SBIII L65)Born means (10)The purpose of the fence is to keep out a type of wild dog called a "dingo".
