英语人>网络例句>签证 相关的搜索结果


与 签证 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This cap applied to the independent skilled (non-sponsored) portion of the program, with employer-sponsored and government-sponsored visas remaining uncapped.


This cap applied to the independent skilled(non-sponsored) portion of the program, with employer-sponsored andgovernment-sponsored visas remaining uncapped.


This cap applied to the independent skilled (non-sponsored) portion of the program, with employer-sponsored and government-sponsored visas remaining uncapped.


This cap appliedto the independent skilled (non-sponsored) portion of the program, withemployer-sponsored and government-sponsored visas remaining uncapped.


I took my second time IELTS on Sep.2,so i will get the IELTS report on Sep.17,as i have no time to change my uncondition offer,can i use the condition offer to apply my student visa?


Here their course qualifies them for an occupation that will be removed from the Skilled Occupation List, as determined by Skills Australia, they will no longer be able to apply for an unsponsored skilled visa.


Where their course qualifies them for an occupation that will be removed from the Skilled Occupation List, as determined by Skills Australia, they will no longer be able to apply for an unsponsored skilled visa.


The 'supply' driven system saw over 40 000 unsponsored visas issued to accountants over the last five years, yet a shortage of accountants persists, because many of these skilled migrants did not find work in their profession.

这一被'供应'推动的系统在过去五年来,有超过40 000的签证给予了没被担保的会计师。可是,会计师的短缺依然存在,因为其中很多的移民人士没有在他们的行内找到工作。

If hospitals are crying out for and willing to sponsor nurses then of course they should have priority over the 12 000 unsponsored cooks who have applied and who, if all were granted visas, would flood the domestic market.

如果医院急需护士,也愿意担保他们,那他们当然比那12 000已经申请但没被担保的,如果被给予签证就会涌入国内市场的厨师,要有优先权。

Where their course qualifies them for an occupation that will remain on the Skilled Occupation List from mid– 2010, as determined by Skills Australia, they will continue to be able to apply for an unsponsored skilled visa as is currently the case.

如果他们就读的课程使其有权申请一个职业,而该职业从2010年中旬起仍在由技术澳洲(Skills Australia拟定的技术职业清单上,那么他们可以像现在一样继续申请无担保的技术移民签证

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