英语人>网络例句>筛蝶的 相关的搜索结果


与 筛蝶的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Object: The mechanism and method of the neurectomy were explored in the treatment of e allergic rhinitis.The basic on anatomy and theory was provided for treating allergic rhinitis by surgical way. Methods:A team of Rabbits were made sensitization three days after the sphenoidpalatine nerve was cut or sympathetic nerve was cut.


Prehension of the relationship and variation combined with image data conduce to well recognization of this area.


A subject was selected strictly from 30 healthy young people through nasal endoscopic examination, acoustic rhinometry measurement and CT scanning. Based on the CT image data of the subject, digital model of normal nasal cavity was reconstructed through Fluent 6.1.22 software. At the same time, according to the surgical requirements of FESS (remove the uncinate process and open the ethmoid sinus, maxillary sinus, and sphenoid sinus), post-FESS digital nasal cavity model was simulated. The viscous motion of nasal airflow before and after FESS was calculated by Navier-Stokes equations to compare the differences of airflow velocity, distribution, and pressure.

从30例健康青年人中,通过鼻内镜、鼻声反射测定仪及CT检查,严格筛选出一例研究对象,根据该入选对象的鼻腔CT影像资料,利用Fluent 6.1.22软件重建出正常鼻腔的数字模型,同时根据功能性鼻窦内镜手术的要求(切除钩突,开放筛窦、上颌窦和蝶窦)模拟出鼻内镜术后的鼻腔数字模型,再用Navier-Stokes方程对手术前后鼻腔气流的粘性运动进行数值计算,比较内镜手术前后鼻腔的气流速度、分布和压力的差异。

METHODS:Forty cases of traumatic optic neuropathy were analyzed retrospectively. Univariate analysis (Chi-square test) and logistic regression were performed to filter the risk factors to the visual prognosis of traumatic optic neuropathy. Eight variables were tested, including corticosteriod treatment in 2 days after trauma,no light perception,frontal or temple trauma,orbital hemorrhage and/or fracture,disturbance of consciousness,age ,other ocular trauma and presence of blood within the sphenoidal or ethmoidal sinus.

回顾分析40例外伤性视神经病变患者的临床资料,将伤后2d内是否接受激素治疗,伤后有无光感,有无意识障碍,是否有额颞部受伤,有无眶内积血和或眼眶骨折,患者年龄,是否合并其它眼外伤及是否有蝶、筛窦积血等8个变量纳入研究,通过单因素分析(χ 2检验)和多因素分析(Logistic回归分析),筛选出影响外伤性视神经病变视力预后的危险因素。

Methods Cross-sectional images between the top layer of ethmoidal sinus and thebottom layer ofmaxillary sinus from the Chinese visible human data setwere reviewed on a section-by-sectionbasis. Three-dimensional computerized reconstruction of the sella turcica and its adjacent structureswere per-formed.


The main indexes included the condition of frontal antrum, ethmoid sinuses, sphenoid sinus and maxillae antrum that was involved in, the types of the inflammation (mucous thickening, inflammatory fluidify and submucosal cyst) and its MRI appearance.


Results Among the 8 cases,the center of lesion located in ethmoid sinus was in 3 cases,sphenoid sinus in 3 cases,frontal sinus in 2 cases.4 of 5 primary cases revealed expansible masses,1 case with irregular and lobulated shape;all 3 recurre...


Objective:We observed 3~5 years follow uip results of the patients with mucoceles of sphenoid frontal and ethmoid sinuses on the marsupialization using nasal endoscope.

目的:应用鼻内窥镜对蝶、额、筛窦粘液囊肿的病人施行袋状化手术,分别随访3~5 年,观察治疗结果。

Specific sites of involvement include the parasellar region, cerebellopontine angle, and facial region, especially the sphenoethmoid, maxillary, and posterior nasal-subsphenoid regions.

累及的特异部位包括鞍旁、桥小脑角区、面颅骨尤其是蝶筛、上颌骨和posterior nasal-subsphenoid区。

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