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与 筛的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Contrast echocardiogram is the better screening tool to demonstrate intrapulmonary shunt.


Conclusion] the improved iodometric method can be used for rapid screening of sulfur dioxide in foods.

结论] 改良碘量法可以作为食品中二氧化硫残留的快速筛检方法。

Method] From 27 pairs of porcine microsatellite primers recommended by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and International Society for Animal Genetics, six pairs (S0155, SW240, IGF1, SW951, SW857, SW24) were selected for microsatellite DNA detection of three Guizhou local pig breeds including Nuogu Pig, Kele Pig and Guanling Pig. Subsequently, their genetic diversities were analyzed.

方法] 根据联合国粮农组织和国际动物遗传学会联合推荐的27对猪微卫星引物,从中筛选出6对(S0155,SW240,IGF1,SW951,SW857,SW24),用于对糯谷猪、柯乐猪、关岭猪3个贵州地方猪群体进行微卫星DNA检测,进而分析其遗传多样性。

Results Among the 8 cases,the center of lesion located in ethmoid sinus was in 3 cases,sphenoid sinus in 3 cases,frontal sinus in 2 cases.4 of 5 primary cases revealed expansible masses,1 case with irregular and lobulated shape;all 3 recurre...


Objective:We observed 3~5 years follow uip results of the patients with mucoceles of sphenoid frontal and ethmoid sinuses on the marsupialization using nasal endoscope.

目的:应用鼻内窥镜对蝶、额、筛窦粘液囊肿的病人施行袋状化手术,分别随访3~5 年,观察治疗结果。

Refers to Down's syndrome (Down's syndrome, dementia-like伸舌) screening, that is, pumping blood or amniotic fluid do villus cells, and then do Karyotype analysis, such as the emergence of 21 - trisomy map, you can diagnose fetus for Down syndrome. 2, AFP Chinese name for the AFP, such as maternal and fetal amniotic fluid were increased AFP confirmed fetal neural tube defects, namely spina bifida, spinal Meningocele, no brains infants, microcephaly, hydrocephalus.


To discuss the feasibility of application of B ultrasound in screening metra scar flaw of late trimester of pregnancy and predict uterine rupture.

目的 探讨应用B超筛查妊娠晚期子宫瘢痕缺陷预测瘢痕子宫破裂的可行性。

The gravity separation ability of middlings has been investigated through screening test and float-sink test.


And a variety of primary products such as cement, salt, monosodium glutamate, etc.


A mucocele is a ball of concentrated mucus surrounded by a layer of pseudo-stratified columnar epithelium. It gradually grows and slowly expands in a paranasal sinus cavity, and even erodes the adjacent structures. Most paranasal sinus mucoceles occur in the frontal and ethmoid sinues. Mucoceles are usually unilateral, and are rarely bilateral (4%).

鼻窦黏液囊肿是鼻窦黏液被伪复层柱状上皮(pseudostratified columnar epithelium)所局限,在鼻窦内逐渐成长与扩张,甚至侵犯到邻近的结构,好发於额窦及筛窦,且多为单侧病灶,双侧较为少见(4%)。

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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
