英语人>网络例句>等分布 相关的搜索结果


与 等分布 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this paper, the progresses acquired in the studies of natural analogy are summarized, including a comparison of structural properties, radiation damage and chemical composition between uraninite and UO2, combination and paragenesis of alteration products of uraninite, chemical composition of uraninite and its secondary phases, mobility of analogy elements in the process of uraninite alteration. In addition, the problems in next studies are pointed out, e. g., characterization of micro-structure of secondary uranium minerals, high-resolution analyses of trance elements distributed in original and secondary uranium minerals using laser microprobe analyzer, composition of underground water, simulation experiments.


The research is about the reuse of urban sewage for virescence irrigation, and the influence of sewage irrigation on eco-environment such as soil, plant, etc. is studied. Under the condition of field sewage irrigation, the transport and transformation and accumulation mechanism of heavy metals, nutrients and organic pollutants as vaporizable hydroxybenzene etc. in the soil-plant system are analyzed. The heavy metal pollution is evaluated by the comprehensive pollution index. The spatial variability of heavy metals in sewage irrigation area is further understood. The spatial variability of heavy metals and physical and chemical properties of soil are reflected in a more straight way by the theory model of variance function curve based on the geographical information system.


As well as cover type of the primary wildwood, on the other hand, it is also disturbed by human activities, which mainly represents as the reachability and frequency of anthropogenic influence as well as the selection mode of woodland utilization including mainly including population distribution, traffic condition, social needs as well as economic industrial structure etc.


This paper made a systematic research on Lonicerafulvotomentosa Hsu et S.C. Cheng, which grows well inkarst areas, from its biological characteristics, such asmorphology, growth and physiology. The main conclusions asfollows:(1)From the viewpoint of morphological anatomy, it hastypical xerophyte structures such as well-developed epidermisand tissues that transport water effectively, small leaf area,dense floss under the leaf surface, high stoma density, thesmall opening degree, thick cuticle, well-developed xylem andpalisade tissues, etc. The pollen of L. fulvotomentosa isseems to be spherical, and has 3 grooves, much bulge on theepidermis evenly. The shape of pollen is an important featureon taxonomy. The ripe fruit has from 1 to 18 seeds, some fruitbranch has 135 berry, its diameter is up to 0.8 centimeter.(2)From the viewpoint of growth, L.

本文从形态解剖、生长发育的节律、光合生理特性以及种子萌发生理等生物学特性方面对喀斯特适生经济植物黄褐毛忍冬进行了较为系统的研究,得出以下结论:(1)在形态解剖上,黄褐毛忍冬根茎中含有发育良好的周皮和输导组织,导管密度大,横截面宽,周皮的形成具有节制蒸腾、通气作用和保护组织免受外界环境影响的作用,宽的导管对水分的输导效率高;叶片密被绒毛,面积较小,气孔密度大、开度小,厚的角质层和发育良好的木质部和栅栏组织等是典型的旱生结构;黄褐毛忍冬花粉近球形,具3 孔沟,表面具均匀分布的小刺,刺间具网状纹理。

The Zetasizer Nano ZS is made in Marvern in England. It is the newest Zetasizer Nano ZS with the newest technology. Malvern Zetasizer Nano ZS90 is for the measurement of size, zeta potential of dispersed particles and the molecular weight of random coiled polymers. If it connect with the Autotitrator, it can measure zeta potential as a function of pH, conductivity or concentration of an additive, provides much greater insight into the processes involved in stabilizing or flocculating disperse systems.

英国马尔文公司生产的Zetasizer Nano ZS型纳米粒度仪是目前世界上技术最先进的纳米粒度仪之一,该仪器可以测定纳米材料的粒度分布、ZETA电位值,并可以进行蛋白质的熔点测定,及蛋白质等大分子和聚合物材料的分子量测试,如果与自动滴定仪相连接后,可自动测定粒度或Zeta电位随pH值、盐浓度或添加剂浓度等的变化趋势。

The distributions of BFRs in the abiological systems (such as the air and natural sediments) and in the tissues of the biological systems (such as the animals and human beings) were reviewed in this paper.


Heights,branches and crown diameters of Alstonia scholaris were compared in different-evironmental regions of Southwest Yunnan Province by the methods of Regression analysis,Leading-factor analysis,and Partial analysis ,and GIS ARC/INFO8.3 and ARCVIEW3.3 et al software.


Thinking the difference between these culture types not only in culture characters, selected materials of stone, size, artifactitious technology, and stone type, but also in time and space, distributing of physiognomy, relative height, geography location, and time scope etc.


According to the distributing law of native medicinal plants, Chengzhi Life Science has separately set up the extraction and processing bases for the production of herbal extracts in the North, the Northwest, and the South of China. We have successively developed 30 kinds of TCM extracts and phytochemical ingredients such as the extracts of Cordyceps sinensis, Phyllanthus emblica, Citrus aurantium, Mushroom, and Licorice etc.


The drought tolerance of wild Axonopus compressus germplasm resources was studied and the drought resistance of each A. compressus plant was found to have a direct relationship with its habitat. The A. compressus plants which had better drought tolerance were usually distributed on sloping ground, waysides etc., while plants which had poor drought tolerance were usually distributed in damp habitats such as river banks and bottoms.


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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
