英语人>网络例句>等分布 相关的搜索结果


与 等分布 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Since the 1960s, heavy-tailed distributions, especially subexponential distributions,have been widely used in random walk, branching process, queueing theory, risk theoryand other fields.


This paper starts with the Naroll-Bertalanffy's hypothesis of the allometric growth of urban-rural population, namely and Sherratt's model about the distribution of urban population density, which are both based on the Christaller-l o ··sch's central place hypothesis and the hypothesis of supposing the regional population movement on the ideal land surface is similar to Brownian movement process.

基于中心地假设,从城市人口分布的Sherratt模型和Naroll Bertalanffy的城乡人口异速生长关系出发导出关于人口分布空间动力学和城市扩展时空过程的数学模型,然后借助Batty等关于城市生长的DLA -DBM模拟结果证明人口的区位选择过程与城市的分形形态存在着内在关系。

Analis presented in our 85 survey locations that were distributed in all counties on the Taiwan excluded the Taitung county, Hualien county, green island and orchid island. The altitude of P. analis habitats ranged from plain to the 400 m. The eleven types of habitats included bamboo plantation, windbreaks, orchard, dry riverbed, grassland, tea plantation, broadleaf forest, vegetable, paddy field, sugarcane field, and Arecae catechu showed the high diversity. The grassland was found in the highest ratio among 34 habitats and followed by the dry riverbed, which was found eleven sites.


In Chapter 4, on the basis of introducing the theory of linear operator semigroup and the Cauchy problem in Hilbert space, this dissertation has researched the method on solving solution of distributed parameter system, and the model estimation and optimal control of the nonlinear distributed parameter system.


In this paper,we use the General Pareto Distributioninstead of Normal distribution to describe the heavy-tailed characteristic of financial time series.


The author investigated the community of grasshoppers in Changbai Mountain area during the period of July to September 2001, complementally collected specimen and systematically collected and measured environmental factors from July to October in the following year, and consulted to specimen collected by Fengling Zhang and Yanlong-yang in 1979, 1980 and 1981. By analyzing and classifying the data of five years, the author analyzed the community construction and ecological adaptability of the grasshoppers in the area. The main aspects dealing with the grasshoppers are as follows:(1)the community construction and faunal geographical elements;(2)characteristics of their ecological distribution;(3)vertical distribution of grasshoppers in the northern slop;(4)the relationship between environmental factors and differences in shape of grasshoppers in different vertical belt of northern slop, etc.


Its analytic solution is obtained by multiple conformal transformation s including elliptical functions,and the pressure and streamline distributions and the well flow rate are presented for the flow field.


To review the basic terminology in data organization and data presentation 2 To learn frequency distribution and cumulative frequency distribution 3 To construct the graphical representations: histogram, frequency polygon, and culmulative frequency polygon


Quantitative textural analysis of igneous rocks has been improving the traditional qualitative and semi-quantitative petrographic methods to a new level that can be compared to geochemical analysis, which including crystal size distribution, spatial distribution pattern, crystal alignment factor and dihedral angle etc.


Through testing flow field of new suspension girder energy dissipator, this paper reveals flow regime,velocity distribution, water surface profile, pressure distribution and other hydraulic characteristics.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
