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与 等候 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But perhaps he has wife and family waiting, waiting Patty come home.


It Might be You》 Sung By "Stephen Bishop" Time I've been passing time watching trains go by All of my life Lying on the sand, watching seabirds fly Wishing there would be Someone waiting home for me Something's telling me it might be you It's telling me it might be you All of my life Looking back as lovers go walking past All of my life Wondering how they met and what makes it last If I found the place Would I recognise the face Something's telling me it might be you Yeah it's telling me it might be you So many quiet walks to take So many dreams to wake And we've so much love to make Oh, I think we've gonna need some time Many be all we need is time And it's telling me it might be you All of my life I've been saving love songs and lullabies And there're so much more No one's ever heard before Something's telling me it might be you Yeah, it's telling me it must be you And I'm feeling it'll just be you All of my life May be it's you May be it's you I've been waiting for all of my life

可能是你演唱者:Stephen Bishop 我一直经过时间看火车经过我的全部生活躺在沙子上,看海鸟飞行愿会有某人为我在家等候某事告诉我它可能是你它正在告诉我它可能是你我的全部生活向后地看如爱人去步行过去我的全部生活觉得奇怪他们如何遇见和什么使它最后如果我发现地方我会承认脸吗某事告诉我它可能是你是的它正在告诉我它可能是你是的,它正在告诉我它一定是你而且我正在感觉它将会仅仅是你我的全部生活可能是它是你可能是它是你我一直等候我的全部生活

Would pass gers please wait in the departure lounge .


The queue estimate control rule proposed in this thesis is based on the Queue Management proposed by Leachman .

等候线估计控制法则,是由Leachman [1988] 所提出的等候线管理(Queue Management,简称QM)的观念而得。

He is but tarrying a little while to make thee love Him better; and when He cometh, thou shalt have joy in the Lord, and shalt rejoice with joy unspeakable.


In fear and doubt, and yet with a burning love and strong hope, they waited until He of Whom they had known but little, by reason of their human feeble apprehension, should breathe upon them in the power of His resurrection life, and manifest Himself as the Lord of Glory.


In fear and doubt, and yet with a burning love and strong hope, they waited until He of Whom they had known but little, by reason of their human feeble apprehension, should breathe upon them in the power of His resurrection life, and manifest Himself as the Lord of Glory.


It is the ascribing to Him the glory of being All; it is the experiencing that He is All to us.


Ere yet we fully understand all that is implied in our waiting upon God, and ere we have even been able to cultivate the habit, let the truth enter our souls: waiting on God, unceasing and entire dependence upon Him, is, in heaven and earth, the one only true religion, the one unalterable and all-comprehensive expression for the true relationship to the ever-blessed one in whom we live.


Additional reading delay—once dosing of the dribble feed drum has been completed and before the reading are taken, that unit has to wait for all the product in the air to fall into the drum, once the weight is stable the machine waits for this time before reading the finished weight.


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
