英语人>网络例句>第五 相关的搜索结果


与 第五 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Yet unions have clung on in the desert even as they have been routed in other parts of America. Two decades ago, Nevada ranked 15th among the states for unionisation of its private-sector workforce.


The fifth chapter narrates the estimation and the EMI efficiency when the other IP work in double harness based on the actual system chip , The sixth chapter summarizes ,and points out the next research method.


Chapter five is a research of the relationship of dispatched work agency, user enterprise, and dispatched worker, which analyzing the necessary of the legitimatization of the Worker Dispatch Law by case studies.


In ruling out this objection I declare that the philosophers did not postulate the possibility of an infinity in causes essentially ordered, but only in causes accidentally ordered, as is evident from Avicenna\'s Metaphysics, B. VI, chapter five, where he speaks of an infinity of individuals in a species.


33 Keep in mind, however, that it is one thing for causes to be essentially ordered in causing or as regards causation and quite another for the things which are causes to be essentially ordered, as is clear from Avicenna in the sixth book of the Metaphysics, chapter five.

2.33 但是,要牢记一点,正如阿维森纳在《形而上学》第六部第五章所言,一件事物由于诸因而在因果关系中或者被看成因果性而被本质性地归类,与一件事物作为原因而被本质性地归类完全是两回事。

MBA Courses,Shenzhen,University of Ballarat Originating in 1870, UNIVERSITY of BALLARAT is the third oldest educational institution in Australia. Its total enrolment on campus is about 20,000. UB graduates achieved the highest starting salaries in the country upon entering the workforce and UB ranked the second highest in course satisfaction.

澳大利亚巴拉瑞特大学(UNIVERSITY of BALLARAT简称UB)创校于一八七○年,是澳洲三大历史最悠久的国立大学之一,全校学生近2万人。2005年澳洲教育部公布的对39所大学的评比中,UB大学名列首位,学生对位居第二,位于第三,排名第五

Home Products; a fifth who worked for a company that was participating in vaccine studies for Merck and other companies; and a sixth who received educational grants from Merck and SmithKline Beecham.


It can break effectually through entry obstacle and reduce the venture of high technology industry. In chapter 4 and 5 several noteworthy questions are discussed about building defence industry conversion projects and managing strategic alliances.


Between the end of the Patristic era in the fifth century and the beginning of the Scholastic era in the ninth there intervene a number of intercalary thinkers, as they may be called, like Claudianus Mamertus, Boethius, Cassiodorus, St. Isidore of Seville, Venerable Bede etc., who helped to hand down to the new generation the traditions of the Patristic age and to continue into the Scholastic era the current of Platonism.

之间的年底教父的时代,在第五世纪开始学业的时代,在第九届有干预的若干intercalary思想家,因为他们可能被要求,如claudianus mamertus ,波爱修斯, cassiodorus ,圣伊西多尔的塞维利亚,老贝德等,谁帮助,另一方面到新一代的传统教父的年龄,并继续到学业的时代,目前的柏拉图。

She had just bought her first home at 12305 Fifth Helena Drive in Brentwood, and was in the process of decorating it.


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It was Napoleon, the immense somnambulist of this dream which had crumbled, essaying once more to advance.


This method alleviates the highly dependent on domain knowledge experts. The quality and efficiency of the KBS were improved.


Imperialism doesn't exist any more, and now there are only capitalism and socialism in the world.
