英语人>网络例句>第五 相关的搜索结果


与 第五 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the fifth chapter,we study dipolarizations in some quadratic Lie algebras.Inthe first section,we obtain some results on the classification of dipolarizations in gen-eral quadratic Lie algebras,and prove that there exist dipolarizations in the solvablequadratic Lie algebras whose Cartan subalgebras consist of semisimple elements.


Subrogate country system, the final chapter presents three legal strategies, which include that first, the enterprises involved in case use existing dispute settlement system to protect their own interests and rights;second, advisement that the subrogate enterprise system displacing the subrogate country system should be founded;third, China should pay attention to our own development and perfection of system about the approaches to anti-dumping.


And we're just now announcing the discovery of the fifth planet, the first planetary system with five full planets orbiting a sunlike star.


This Council was held in Constantinople (aka in Trullo , literally,'under the dome' because of the building used) It was convened due to the lack of canons from Fifth and Sixth Ecumenical Councils, Called by Emperor to promulgate canons necessary to correct issues still outstanding from the previous Councils.

本会召开了君士坦丁堡(又名在trullo ,从字面上来看,'圆顶下',因为该大厦的使用),它是召集由于缺乏大炮,从第五次和第六次全基督教议会,所谓由皇帝颁布炮,有必要纠正问题尚待完成,由以前的议会。

Based on the structure and work flow of the system, the thesis describes the design of the communication interface between the uncooled...


Vache however edged out Paul to take 4th place with 5th place going to Paul.

vache ,但凭借保罗以第四位,第五位去保罗。

The third part does quantitative and qualitative analysis with the questionnaire and visitatorial materials of individual.


Weighin them once a week , collecting 4ml vein blood from the ears after 12hs forbidded th food on the fifth weekend and the tenth weekend .


In order to extending the bandwidth of a GNRD coupler, unsymmetric coupled GNRD waveguides is proposed.


Damon added a two-run home run in the fifth that landed a few rows beyond the rightfield wall for his 19th of the season.


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It was Napoleon, the immense somnambulist of this dream which had crumbled, essaying once more to advance.


This method alleviates the highly dependent on domain knowledge experts. The quality and efficiency of the KBS were improved.


Imperialism doesn't exist any more, and now there are only capitalism and socialism in the world.
