英语人>网络例句>第五 相关的搜索结果


与 第五 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this article, the primary discussion on self-admissions connotation and nature is in the first part, the constitution is in the second part and the consequence is in the next part. The fourth part is basic analyses on the condition and circumstances of the self-admission in our country. In the last part, the author gives some concrete ideas to improve this legal system in our country.


The research of this chapter, on one hand, sets a solid foundation for the following chapter three and chapter four, and on the other hand, provides the theoretical frame for setting up yield curve of zero-coupon bond of China.


During the year, international sports events such as the 13th World Taekwondo Championship and 6th Women's World Taekwondo Championships, the 5th Chinese Chess World Championship, International Table Tennis Federation Pro-Tour Grand Finals '97 and '97 FESPIC Table Tennis Championships for the Disabled were held to reinforce Hong Kong's image as one of the world's event capitals.


The first part discusses the formation and development of general education in western history.


The first and second in the list are overseers by consequence; the third is the constable, and the fourth and fifth are churchwardens; the persons so chosen are deputies of the parish for the space of one year from their election, and no longer, nor may they be elected two years together.


The prior exhibit a gold colourisation up to the fourth while the latter has it gold colourisation rise to the fifth scale level and sometimes, gold speckles on the sixth scale level when in adulthood.


The board of supervisions shall exercise the functions as mentioned in Article 54 (1) through (3) of this Law and those prescribed by the State Council.


The dissertation analyzed the characteristic of the development of new high-tech industry at first. It pointed out that having characteristics such as high innovation and high risk, decides that the development of new high-tech industry needs the interference of government. Then, it analyzed the relevant theory of government economic functions and the particularity of the study during the development of new high-tech industry, pointed out the new high-tech industry even needs moderate interferes and supports of government. After that, draw lessons from the analysis train of the "diamond" theory of Michel Porter, it analyzed the demands of the development of new high-tech industry from the angle of catching up, include the regulation function that the key element disposes, demand regulation and preferential policy, strategical planning and organization coordinates, new high-tech enterprise hatches, and the supply of the legal system. Then it carried on international comparative analysis to the government economic functions of some typical countries, to find out the successful experiences with the lessons of the failure.


Fifth: We are calling tonight for an immediate meeting of the Organ of Consultation under the Organization of American States, to consider this threat to hemispheric security and to invoke articles 6 and 8 of the Rio Treaty in support of all necessary action.


In classical music I always admired Mussorgsky's unorthodoxy, unpredictability and disrespect of rules, and a few other Russian composers such as Shostakovich (the second tempo of his 8th String Quartet and Chamber Symphony op.110/110a electrocuted my imagination at least as much as the beginning of his 5th Symphony must have remained stuck in Morrissey's mind, when he sampled it for 11 minutes on the opening song of his "Southpaw Grammar" album), Prokofiev (whose exceptional melodic ingeniousness influenced me, but must have pleased Sting too, as he borrowed the theme of Prokofiev's "Lieutenant Kijé" for his hit "Russians") and Mosolov (whose mid-1920s piece "Iron Foundry" is pure Prog-Rock à la Magma, Art Zoyd, Univers Zero).

古典音乐家里面我一直十分欣赏Mussorgsky的叛逆、不可预测以及他对常规的无视,还有少数俄罗斯作曲家,比如Shostakovich,(他的C小调第八弦乐四重奏作品第110号/110a的第二部分 [1]强烈激发了我的想象力,这种激发不亚于他的第五交响曲[2]的开始部分对于Morrissey[3]的影响,那段旋律令他印象如此深刻以至于他将11分钟的采样放在了他的专辑《Southpaw Grammar》中。)Prokofiev(他格外出色天才一般的旋律影响了我,但是Sting肯定也获益匪浅,因为他也在自己的热门单曲&Russians&俄罗斯人中借用了Prokofiev 的&Lieutenant Kijé&三驾马车[4]),和Mosolov[5](他创作于1920年中期的作品&Iron Foundry&是纯粹的前卫摇滚à la Magma,Art Zoyd,Univers Zero)。

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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
