英语人>网络例句>第五 相关的搜索结果


与 第五 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It points out the topic, meaning and creative; introducing the consist and principle of the intelligent vehicle navigate system in chapter 2; analyzing the method of GPS-oriented and the error origin in chapter 3; analyzing briefly the principle and merged method of interspaced diversity and resist multi-decline in chapter 4; introducing the hardware and software realization of ambulant station of intelligent vehicle navigate /dispatcher system based on multi-GPS antenna in detail in chapter 5; giving the debugging and simple trial result of ambulant station in chapter 6; The lasted propose solving tactics to problem that exist in studying, draws a conclusion of this thesis and plans the future researching works.


The author raises experience to the level of theory by generalizing and approaches the construction of digital library.


In the first chapter, we introduce the research background and the basic task of this project.


The second chapter probes into the way and feature of spreading on Gesar" s music, and the development and the changes of the music spreading since the involving of modern intermedium, by introducing the psalmodies in different categories. The third chapter analyses the types of Gesar" s lyrics and the patterns they could change. The forth chapter illustrates the principles of Gesar" s creating and several majority tone patterns are showed here. In the fifth chapter, the tones of Gesar are classified based on three aspects, that is, the tone" s name, utilization and the localstyles. In the sixth chapter, the feature of Gesar s tones is analyzed from the aspect of the characteristics of melody, the rhythm and time, the tone patterns and the music structure and so on. The last chapter discusses the forms of music performance and the methods that the psalmodies take to sing.


In the second court are incompetent doctors and dishonest agents; in the third, forgers, liars, gossips, and corrupt government officials; in the fifth, murderers, sex offenders and atheists; in the sixth, the sacrilegious and blasphemers; in the eighth, those guilty of filial disrespect; in the ninth, arsonists and accident victims.


The first ECM held in 1998 focused solely on exhibiting made-in-Malaysia Products. Realizing the changing economic trends, from the second ECM in 1999, the expo gradually assumed an international character by having invited visitors or buyers from neighbouring ASEAN countries solicited through overseas roadshows. In the third ECM in year 2000, the scope was further widened to cover Japan, Korea and China, besides ASEAN countries. Parallel with globalization and liberalization in trade, the fourth ECM in 2002, the fifth ECM in 2004, the sixth ECM in 2006 and the seventh ECM in 2008, these ECMs have expanded further with wider international participation.


Chapter three analyzes one of his works—Good-bye Kinmen, whereas chapter four gives analysis on his other work Sunset red tile house.


Chapter 2 analyzes the traditional self-farming and farming-employed farming methods of the two main features; Chapter 3 is that about when the employer has been artificially cultivated after the elimination, only the self-farming; Chapter 4 is the traditional family smallholder farming production period on the way; Chapter 5 is a special historical period, the period of economic collectivization, In this paper, the period of collective farming as a total cultivated; Chapter 6 is still in accordance with the time and context with it. When the collective total cultivated end, after the family returned to farming, only this time, in family farming with the traditional small family farming periods vary. Chapter 7 is about modern machinery which widely practiced in another way when a new concept of farming and farming methods.


The sixth chapter studies the relationship between MMs and stylistic feature, taking a dynamic perspective to study style, with the second section of this chapter analyzing the usages of MMs in report text and comment text of news style, the third comparing the different usage of three Chinese translations of Uncle Toms Cabin, the fourth analyzing the usage of MMs in three kinds of modern Chinese text , the fifth comparing the usage of MMs in three disciplines academic text and The sixth discussing the interactional rehtorical model, including the establishment of self-identity of speaker/writer, the expectation to reader/hearer, and the intertextuality interaction.

第六章讨论元话语和各语体语篇语体特征的关系,认为从元话语的角度来分析语体是从动态的角度来探讨言语行为和语体类型之间的关系,第二节讨论了报道体和时评体语篇中元话语使用情况,第三节比较了Uncle Tom's Cabin的文言文、古代白话和现代汉语三个译本中元话语标记使用的差异,第四节比较现代汉语三种语体文本中元话语标记使用情况,第五节讨论三个专业的学术论文中元话语标记的使用差异;第六节讨论元话语与语篇的互动修辞,讨论了语篇中表达者自我身份的确立、语篇对接受者的期待和呼吁和语篇的互动模式,说明元话语研究对探讨语篇的修辞互动模式和结构具有重要的意义。

The first ...... no I do not care; second ...... No, It does not matter; the third ...... not me, a little nervous; fourth, there is no me, and anxiety; fifth place ...... not me, live in fear ; sixth, there is no me, burning with impatience; seventh ...... U Thant - All of a sudden, I like to vent a gas balloon.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
