英语人>网络例句>第二 相关的搜索结果


与 第二 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the relay race, the first athlete is almost the last one. But the scond athlete preponderated over several athletes that in the front. It's the last athlete's turn to run. At the time our class was the scond.


In the second study, interpersonal and social rhythm therapy was 1 of 3 intense psychotherapies that resulted in better outcomes than collaborative care, in a 1-year randomized study that was part of the Systematic Treatment Enhancement Program for Bipolar Disorder trial (Miklowitz DJ et al. Arch Gen Psychiatry 2007;64:419-426). A total of 293 outpatients with bipolar I or II disorder and depression treated with protocol pharmacotherapy were randomized to up to 30 sessions of intensive psychotherapy with 1 of 3 methods — interpersonal and social rhythm therapy, family-focused therapy, or cognitive behavior therapy — or to 3 sessions of collaborative care treatment. Compared with patients treated with brief collaborative care, patients receiving intensive psychotherapy attained remission of depression within a shorter time.

第二项研究中,个体间与社会节律疗法是三种密集精神治疗中的一环,这些治疗的预后比联合照护好,这项研究是一项为期一年的随机分派研究,且是Systematic Treatment Enhancement Program for Bipolar Disorder试验的一部份(Miklowitz,等人Arch Gen Psychiatry 2007;64:419-426),总共有293位罹患第一或第二型双极性异常与忧郁症,且正在接受药物治疗疗程的门诊病患,他们被随机分派接受高达30次的密集精神治疗,分别是个体间与社会节律疗法、家庭疗法或是认知行为治疗,或是接受三次的联合照护治疗;相较於接受行为治疗照护的病患,接受密集精神治疗的病患达到忧郁症状消退的时间较快。

Article 22 shall be changed into Article 23, of which item (1) of paragraph 1 shall be modified as "demanding that the banking institutions deposit the reserve fund at a required ratio"; and item (3) thereof shall be modified as "handling rediscounting for the banking institutions, which have opened accounts in the PBC"; and item (5) thereof shall be modified as "dealing in treasury bonds, other government bonds, financial bonds and foreign exchange on the open market".


IX. Article 22 shall be changed into Article 23, of which item (1) of paragraph 1 shall be modified as "demanding that the banking institutions deposit the reserve fund at a required ratio"; and item (3) thereof shall be modified as "handling rediscounting for the banking institutions, which have opened accounts in the PBC"; and item (5) thereof shall be modified as "dealing in treasury bonds, other government bonds, financial bonds and foreign exchange on the open market".


A theory of a second force rekindles the possibility of progress and raises troublesome questions: If there is a second law of life -- a rising flow -- what is it flowing toward?


A theory of a second force rekindles the possibility of progress and raises troublesome questions: If there is a second law of life -- a rising flow -- what is it flowing toward?


Article 23 If one party infringes upon the other party's patent right, the patent application right, patent execution right, the right to use non-patent technology and the right of assignment, or reputes its obligations on secrecy, that party should stop infringement, adopt remedies and compensate for the losses apart from undertaking the responsibility for breach of contract as prescribed in Article 22 of these regulations.


The next day, Tosamah delivers a second sermon—titled "The Way to Rainy Mountain"—that retells the Kiowa story of the origin of Devil's Tower in Wyoming.

第二天, Tosamah提供了第二道题目是&路雨山&,即retells的基奥瓦故事的起源魔塔在怀俄明州。

We also examined the association between earthquake exposure severities and posttraumatic morbidities, and general psychiatric morbidities in the two years.


The second time, however, eight slivers from the first finisher- drawing step are subjected to the same operation .


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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
