英语人>网络例句>第二 相关的搜索结果


与 第二 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Vairocana Buddha in the center represents wisdom of the nature of law; the first one from left to the center is Ratnaketu in the South Land of Pleasure, representing good deeds of wisdom of the identity of all things; the second one left is Aksobha in the East Land of Happiness, representing consciousness of great mirror wisdom; the first one right to the center is Amitabha in the West Land of Utmost Happiness, representing wisdom of profound insight; the second one right is Amoghasiddhi in the North Land of Lotus, representing course of wisdom of success.


With the end of the second quarter compared with the proportion of super fund changes in the largest of several industries: finance and insurance industry from the previous quarter with the low-low with 3.35% to 8.58%, petroleum chemical plastic plastic from ultra-quarter to 3.62 percent with 2.23 percent super-distribution, mechanical equipment instrumentation quarter from 0.69 percent with a super-ultra-allocated 2.55 percent, real estate from the second quarter with a low 0.56% to 0.20% super-distribution.


In the version of 1884 (London, 1906); RUBIE, The first Book of Kings (London, 1907); BARNES, I and II Kings (London, 1908); MACLAREN The Books of Kings (London, 1907-08); BURKITT, Fragments of the B. of Kings according to the translation of Aquila (Cambridge, 1897); LAGRANGE, L'Inscription de Mésa, etc., in Revue Biblique (1901), 522-45; PRASEK, Sennacharib's Second Expedition in the West and the Siege of Jerusalem in Expository Times, XII, 225, 405; XIII, 326; STEFFENS, The St;ructure and Purpose of the B. of Kings in The Bible Student, VIII, 153-60; DLLER, Geographische und ethnographische Studien zem III und IV Knige (Vienna, 1904); BURNHAM, The Mission and Work of Elijah in Biblical World, XXIV, 180-87; SCHULZ, Die Quellen z.

在1884年的版本,(伦敦, 1906年); RUBIE ,第一本书的国王(伦敦, 1907年);班,第一和第二国王(伦敦, 1908年); MACLAREN的书国王(伦敦, 1907年至零八年); BURKITT ,片段的湾国王根据翻译雕(剑桥, 1897年);拉格朗日,欧莱雅题词日梅萨等,在杂志Biblique ( 1901 ), 522-45 ; PRASEK , Sennacharib第二远征西部和围困的耶路撒冷说明性时报,十二, 225 , 405 ;第十三326 ;斯蒂芬斯,该街;结构和宗旨的湾国王在圣经学生,八, 153-60 ; DLLER , Geographische与ethnographische Studien零三和四节(维也纳, 1904年);伯纳姆的任务和工作的以利亚在圣经世界, 24 , 180-87 ;舒尔茨模具Quellen卓

Article 200 If it is needed to make an experiment on the drug for a second time according to Article 22 of these Measures and the applicant refuses, the SDA will give a warning to it and order it to correct, if the applicant refuses to correct, it will be deprived of its qualification for applying for registration of drugs of such category.


The first device comprises an interface for sending an identification command to and receiving an identification message from the master device, and a processor for checking the identity of the second device and pairing the first device with the second device.


Based on trust in Co., especially because Defendant Co. passed the master tape of Co. to Plaintiff and indicated to Plaintiff its sincerity to cooperate


Based on trust in Co., especially because Defendant Co. passed the master tape of Co. to Plaintiff and indicate d to Plaintiff its sincerity to cooperate


The second memory bank corresponding to a second range of addresses.


The memory bus is also coupled to a second plurality of memory modules corresponding to a second memory bank.


In the Second World War, the 42 % of Japanese industry are destroyed, the merchantman of 70 % by bombard and sink, whole economy went backwards 20 years, however afterwar in the time that is not in however, become powerful nation of the 2nd economy very quickly, was called to create by common people " Japanese miracle ".


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Because the relationship between the roller with ink performance, a printing plate to business card printing and membership card making text, pattern of clarity.


Intuitively, Urban Maximum Flux Principle is to calculate or sense interplays, correlations or complexity of relational reality, and then maximize it under constraints.


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