英语人>网络例句>第二 相关的搜索结果


与 第二 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The new vehicle was designated Tun Anticar pe Afet Mobil T-60 (Self-propelled Gun on Mobile Carriage T-60) or TACAM T-60. The project was accepted and twenty-three serviceable T-60 tanks were sent to Leonida Works in Bucharest. On 12 January 1943 the prototype was completed and other eleven T-60s were sent for conversion. In late June, the first seventeen TACAMs were distributed to the Mechanised Training Centre and to the 1st Tank Regiment for evaluation and training. The other seventeen TACAMs were assembled by the end of 1943. Sixteen TACAM T-60 were distributed to the 1st Tank Regiment and formed the 61st Tank-destroyer Company and eighteen TACAM T-60 were distributed to the 2nd Tank Regiment where they formed the 62nd Tank-destroyer Company.

这种新设计方案很快得到罗军总参谋部的批准,第一批23辆罗马尼亚军队捕获的还可以行使的苏制T-60坦克很快被送到布加勒斯特莱奥纳德兵工厂。1943年2月12日,该车原型车被制造出来,这种新兵器被罗马尼亚总参谋部命名为T-60型自行火炮,简称TACAM T-60,第一批样车共12辆于1943年年初开始进行各种测试,到1943年6月,第一批17辆TACAM T-60被交付军方,这些车辆被分配给罗马尼亚机械化部队训练中心和第一坦克团进行实战评估和训练。1943年年底又生产出第二批17辆TACAM T-60自行火炮,这样在1943年底罗马尼亚军队共有34辆TACAM T-60自行火炮,其中16辆被分配给第一坦克团组建为第61坦克歼击连,另18辆被分配给第二坦克团组建了第62坦克歼击连。

Three days ago, wind craps out and we did a first gybe, and our position camp up to the second place steadly.


The second half of the Grand Line, beyond the second intersection with the Red Line, is also known as the New World.


The impedance ratio and the meander could control the frequency of the second harmonic and the baseband ratio. According to that,we analyze several kinds of stepped impeedance resonator and use them to design the dual-band bandpass filters.In the thsis , The proposed bandpass filters and dual-band bandpass filters are designed for IEEE 802.11a/b wireless communicatuon system.


The American Memorial Chapel stands behind the High Altar in an area that was bomb-damaged during the Second World War – a gesture of gratitude to the American dead of the Second World War from the people of Britain.


By means of homogeneous coordinates, a type of important subdivision—Rational Matrix Subdivision are proposed in chapter 2. Many good geometric properties of the curves with Rational Matrix Subdivision such as convex and variation diminishing properties are proved.


Subject to financing, the Second Stage will proceed with each Finalist team receiving an honorarium toward their Second Stage competition costs, which will include design responses to Jury and community comments regarding their First Stage designs, and preparing a study model of their design.


The next day the ship enters Lake Huron, the second largest of the lakes.


The introduction of extended corresponding state parameter θcan reflect effectively hydrogenolysis on water at the region of high pressure and low temperature and improve the precision of the second virial coefficients of water and humid air.


In the second chapter, we investgate the Type II singularity of mean curvature flow of compact hypersurface in Riemannian manifold.


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
