英语人>网络例句>第九十 相关的搜索结果


与 第九十 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The former or the Realist, more numerous in the early Middle Ages (Fredugisus, Rémy d'Auxerre, and John Scotus Eriugena in the ninth century, Gerbert and Odo of Tournai in the Tenth, and William of Chapeaux in the twelfth) attribute to each species a universal essence, to which all the subordinate individuals are tributary.

前者或写实,多在中世纪早期( Fredugisus ,雷米德欧塞尔,约翰司各脱Eriugena在第九世纪,热尔贝特和Odo的图尔奈在第十,和威廉的开头语中的第十二届)每个属性物种的普遍本质,这是所有的下属个人的支流。

Another division has been adopted by the English and Helvetian Protestant churches on the authority of Philo Judus, Josephus, Origen, and others, whereby two Commandments are made to cover the matter of worship, and thus the numbering of the rest is advanced one higher; and the Tenth embraces both the Ninth and Tenth of the Catholic division.

另一部已经正式通过了英语和helvetian新教教会的权威斐洛judus ,约瑟夫,渊源,和其他人,即两条诫命,是为了掩盖事情的崇拜,所以号码的,其余是先进生产力较高;和第十届包含了两个第九和第十的天主教会记名表决。

Article 59Other property mentioned in Articles 38 and 40 of the Law on the Administration of Tax Collection include immovables and movables such as real estate, cash and marketable securities.


Article 64 "International finance organizations" mentioned in Article 19, paragraph 3, Item (2) of the Tax Law means financial institutions such as the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the International Development Association, and the International Fund for Agricultural Development.


Where 8 of Article 19 of these Procedures are violated, the violator shall be instructed to correct it in the time limit by the grain competent administrative department and the financial competent administrative department of the Autonomous Region People's Government according to their respective duties and the enterprise shall untread the loan and loan interest and the store and subsidy cost of the autonomous region level reserve cereal and shall be imposed a fine from 10000Yuan up to 30000Yuan; the executive person in charge and other persons directly responsible shall be given disciplinary measures; where the act constitutes a loss, the enterprise shall be ordered to stand the loss; where the act constitutes a crime, the criminal liability shall be prosecuted with laws.


With regard to the other parts of the work (i-ix; x-xxii, 16; xxv-xxix), Catholic writers are wellnigh unanimous in ascribing them to Solomon.

至於其他部分的工作(第一至第九;的X 22 , 16 ;二十五,二十九),天主教作家wellnigh一致归咎於他们所罗门。

Their sacred books, called the "Granth"(the original of which is preserved and venerated in the great temple of Amritsar) consists of two parts:"Adi Granth", the first book or book of Nanak, with later additions compiled by the fifth guru,"Arjoon, and with subsequent additions from later gurus down to the ninth, and contributions by various disciples and devotees; secondly,"The Book of the Tenth King, written by Guru Govind Sing, the tenth and last guru, chiefly with a view of instilling the warlike spirit into the sect.

神圣的书籍,名为&格兰斯&(原来的是保存和尊敬的伟大寺庙的阿姆利则)由两部分组成:& ADI公司格兰斯&的第一本书,或书纳纳克,稍后补充由第五大师&, Arjoon ,并与随后补充后来大师下降至第九,和捐款的各种弟子和信徒;其次,&这本书的第十届王,作者是大师Govind星,第十次也是最后大师,主要是与以期灌输的好战精神融入节。

Their sacred books, called the "Granth"(the original of which is preserved and venerated in the great temple of Amritsar) consists of two parts:"Adi Granth", the first book or book of Nanak, with later additions compiled by the fifth guru,"Arjoon, and with subsequent additions from later gurus down to the ninth, and contributions by various disciples and devotees; secondly,"The Book of the Tenth King, written by Guru Govind Sing, the tenth and last guru, chiefly with a view of instilling the warlike spirit into the sect.

他们神圣的书籍,被称为& granth &(原来的是保存和崇敬,在大庙会的阿姆利则)包含两个部分:& ADI公司granth &,第一本书或书的诞辰,后来增补编制由第五大师,& arjoon ,并与随后的加算后,权威下降至第九名,比贡献的各弟子和信徒;其次,&这本书的第十届王,写的宗师govind唱歌,第十次也是最后大师,主要是与观灌输好战精神,使之成为该教派。

This dissertation has 7 chapters. Chapter One introduces the tradition of historical narration in Chinese literature, discusses the relationship between fiction and historical narration, and the historical view of humanism in traditional novels. Chapter Two analyzes the historical view in contemporary red narrative, the origin of red historical compilation, hypo-realism in red novels of officers, and the features of taking personal narrative as revolutionary narrative etc. the song of youth is taken as an example to illustrate the secret of changing little burgesses narrative into revolutionary narrative. Chapter Three focuses on re-emergence and changes of enlightenment historical narrative and the historical sense of enlightenment. Tibet, implied times and the family of red corn are taken as examples to illustrate the features of changing from enlightenment historicism to new historicism. Chapter Four examines the phenomena and characteristics of new historicism narrative. The following chapter concerns the historical narrative by Yu Hua and Mo Yan, and historical sense of quasi-new historicism in Wang Anyi's Changhenge.


39Th article when property contract of service termination, the property service enterprise must the rule 29th first section stipulation material return the estate management with Fang Heben for the owner the committee.


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I can still vividly recall the impressive scenes you gave. You were among my friends and relatives who accompanied me from my house to the seaport and when the porters were slow to show up, you obligingly carried my suitcase for me.


St. Nicholas became the patron saint of Russia, where he was famous for his red cape, flowing white beard, and bishop's mitre.


Long periods of seeming invincibility. Though some industries or lines of business exhibit characteristics that endow leaders with virtually insurmountable advantages, and that tend to establish Survival of the Fattest as almost a natural law, most do not. Thus, for every Inevitable, there are dozens of Impostors, companies now riding high but vulnerable to competitive attacks. Considering what it takes to be an Inevitable, Charlie and I recognize that we will never be able to come up with a Nifty Fifty or even a Twinkling Twenty. To the Inevitables in our portfolio, therefore, we add a few "Highly Probables."
