英语人>网络例句>稳固 相关的搜索结果


与 稳固 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Scottish victory was complete and, although full English recognition of Scottish independence was not achieved until more than ten years later, Robert Bruce's position as king was greatly strengthened by the outcome.

遗产这是一次完全性的苏格兰胜利,尽管英格兰全面承认苏格兰的独立直到十年以后才做到,这一场战役的结果稳固了Robert Bruce的国王地位。

Torino is also struggling at the moment and it looks like Mr. De Biasi will face a 4-4-1-1 formation with Bianchi on top and Rosina playing just behind him. To me this formation indicates that Mr. De Biasi will need to secure a point as much as he can and obviously try and keep it tight, and hopefully sneak in a goal from set-piece.


Evolution is asfirmly established a scientific fact as the roundness of the Earth.


First, the issue of royalties for the authors and their organizations from the stability of the relevant persons questioned.


Strengthens crashes object attack security measure to the high place each kind of scaffold to build supposes must be sturdy, Gao Deng and the ladder establishment must be stable, the scaffold when lays down should conform to safe request the work high above the ground springboard, the parapet and the safety equipment not integrity, the constructor must grip the safety belt, and reliably hangs in the reliable structure, the safety belt must carry on the inspection before the use, after confirmed perfect only then uses the strict surveillance to enter the job location personnel, must correctly match wears the safety helmet, the job location channel, the building access, should build supposes covers the head awning time the hoisting component and the material, The hoisting mechanisms must be reliable, under the lazy arm strictly prohibits the station person


Until such a time, the tendency of Saturnian energy is to hold fast to and to conserve the old form, largely through restrictive measures that inhibit unexpected alterations in the recognized social structure.


This "deficit of representation" makes it difficult for voters to scrutinise their representatives and for presidents to build stable coalitions.


Color is secondary to type, structure, and soundness.


This is the only foundation upon which we may securely build.


Page pull test: A test which is performed on adhesive bound book pages to determine the secureness with which pages are bound.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
