英语人>网络例句>稳固 相关的搜索结果


与 稳固 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ensure a steady and programmatic development of sales, develop a steady and beneficial customer base and increase profit


Even if your relationship is strong, it's possible awomanwho is prominent in your life will leave.


The under-arch bridge also adds to the feeling of stability of the boot, and I don't feel like my arch is rolling inwards, like with some others (I'm a pronator).


Our unlike sina, they pass old put oneself through the mill, platform is very stable already, and we are from a very small individual website, rise at a draught, without technical qualified personnel, without relevant experience.


But the problem with being clever and original in software design is that it gets to be a habit—you start reflexively making things cute and complicated when you should be keeping them robust and simple.


The Great Green Wall, a project to reforest thousands of kilometers of land to the north of Beijing, has met with some level of success in stabilizing soil, and the intensity of seasonal sandstorms in the capital has decreased in the past few years.


One of the consequences of this is reinstatement.


By means of Hua, filial duty is assimilated into the ceremony of ancestor worship, enabling the ceremony to bear the function of filial education; by means of cultivation, the individual gains the filial concept and behavior; the blood ties will be sustained and the unity and identification of the family members will be strengthened in the way of converting filial duty into the love, the respectfulness, the support and the worship to parents and the activities of repairing the clan temple and continuing the family tree. Finally, filial duty coming into the different forms of reading, playing and writing scripture finishes the entire society\'s integration and sustains the social stability.4. It is because the Bai People group passes on the filial duty in the principle of Cheng that the filial duty still has an effect on the individual, the family and the society.


In those conditions as make for the studies of the entity, the seeking - as innate forces - for the influences held by those who concentrate in the silence and in the mental imaginative forces - these, guided by a stabilized ideal, may be made most helpful; these - run rampant, without consideration as to whether same becomes riotous in activity; not clothed, to be sure, in any form of censure, but as to whether same becomes a continuity of influences as of helpfulness or riotousness - without respect of persons, places or things - is different.


And floating beside an iceberg, it is impossible to judge whether an overhang is stable or riven with fissures that will suddenly sheer.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
