英语人>网络例句>称谓 相关的搜索结果


与 称谓 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Called "Spoonbridge and Cherry," this sculpture, including the pond it spans, was designed for the Sculpture Garden by husband and wife team, Claes Oldenburg and Coosje van Bruggen.


Facing appeals of constitutionary-minded intellectuals and officials. Qing government reformed the bureaucratic system and the Eight Banner system in order to remove boundaries between Manchus and Han: administratively, occupationally, residentially, and socially. Authough these measures took positive parts in pushing political and social changes, Qing government was doomed not to accomplish dual historical tasks of political and national confirmination.


By dividing vox and sermo, he said it is only universal words that can be regarded as really existing universals.


There are three designations for the majority people: Chinese, Hans and Tangs.


Nothing is more destructive, either in regard to the health, or the vigilance and industry of the poor than the infamous liquor, the name of which, derived from Juniper in Dutch, is now by frequent use and the laconick spirit of the nation, from a word of middling length shrunk into a monosyllable, intoxicating gin, that charms the unactive, the desperate and crazy of either sex, and makes the starving sot behold his rags and nakedness with stupid indolence, or banter with in senseless laughter, and more insipid jests; it is a fiery lake that sets the brain in flame, burns up the entrails, and scorches every part within; and at the same time a Lethe of oblivion, in which the wretch immersed drowns his most pinching cares, and, with his reason all anxious reflections on brats that cry for food, hard winter's frosts, and horrid empty home.


The author holds that the definition isn't scientific in terms of ethnology, the ethnic Chinese who are called the ethnic Kokang is in fact the "Yunnanese" among other ethnic Chinese in Burma.


Base on assorting historical information and literature,eld research about historical remains,this article preliminary clari ed the o ces' names and locations of IDI outside Forbidden City.


If both the molecule to be transported and the ion move in the same direction across the membrane ,the process is calle symport ; if the molecule and the ion move in opposite directions it is called antiport.


It may be a transitory situation, as the Eagles squad does not look equipped to last the distance, but why take the fun out of the job of headline writers, those molehill-into-a-mountain merchants who are already conjuring up "FantaLazio"(wow, that must have required some time to think up) and the like?


That was the name apothecaries gave to the activity of collecting plants that time and tradition had shown possessed useful medical properties.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
