英语人>网络例句>积分学 相关的搜索结果


与 积分学 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I'm specializing in differential and integral calculus .


I'm specializing in differential and integral calculus.


The basic contents of this course include multivariate differential calculus and multivariate integral calculus.


Integral Calculus: definite and indefinite integrals; fundamental theorem of calculus; techniques of integration; Taylor's Theorem; applications in geometry, physics and engineering.


Integral of one variable functions, improper integral and its convergence properties.

本课程的主要内容包括:1 各种极限运算,其中包括数列极限、函数极限以及上、下极限;2 一元函数的微分学,包括微分和导数的运算法则、微分中值定理及其应用等;3 一元函数的积分和广义积分及其收敛性;4 级数及其收敛性,包括数值级数的收敛性和函数项级数的各种运算和性质;5 多元函数的微分学及其应用,其中很多方面与一元函数的微分学近似,需要注意它们之间的区别;6 多元函数的积分学,包括多重积分的性质与计算,多重积分的的应用等;7 曲线、曲面积分及其应用;8 含参变量积分的计算与性质;9 Fourier 级数及其应用,等等。

limit theory is very important content and special difficulties, it contains the subject of infinitesimal calculus.


The integral calculus is the important content of mathematical analysis in the mathematics, in a very important position, in natural science and social science and technology is widely used in the future.


Not only that, in the calculus, series theory, as well as the basis of mathematical analysis to many aspects of the Lagrange mean value theorem is an important means of research, often play a pivotal role.


Not only that in the integral calculus, aspects and so on progression theory, as well as take the mathematical analysis as foundation many aspects, the Lagrange theorem of mean is also studies the question the important means that plays the pivotal role frequently.


The calculus of maxima and ''.


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