英语人>网络例句>积分公式 相关的搜索结果


与 积分公式 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Let D be a bounded domain with C(1) boundary in Cn . The authors use the locally finite open coverring of the countable strictly pseudoconvex to define a new partitions of unity of σpoint finite local holomorphic , constructed a generalized Cauchy integral formula with discrete local holomorphic kernel on the bounded domain D and applied it to solving the 52equation.

设D 是Cn 空间中具有C(1)边界5D 的有界域,本文利用D 上一个局部有限的可数强拟凸开复盖,定义了D上一个新的局部全纯的σ点有限的单位分解,建立了D上一个更一般的具有离散局部全纯核的Cauchy积分公式并获得D 上52 方程的具有离散核的解的积分表示。

Secondly,we firstly study the properties of functions with values in a uni-versal Clifford algebra 〓,and we obtain the following very important basictheorems in universal Clifford analysis:Cauchy's integral formula,Cauchy's inte-gral theorem,the mean value theorem,the three versions of the maximum mod-ulus theorem,the Taylor's expansion,the Laurent's expansion and the residuetheorem etc..All of these results generalized the classical results.


Property 2 (Term-by-Term Integration) Suppose that is the sum of a power series on interval ;that is,Then, if is interior to ,and the radius of convergence of the integrated series is the same as for the orginal series.

性质 2 幂级数的和函数在其收敛域上可积,并有逐项积分公式,,逐项积分后所得到的幂级数和原级数有相同的收敛半径。

In order to meet the required simulation precision and meet the real-time simulation in ballistic simulation calculation,this paper analyzes the selection method of the simulation step,and then introduces variable step integration methods in Runge-Kutta to Adams and educes Adams variable step integral formulas,and then put forwards a method by seeking zero of condition function in discontinuous nonlinear system of the ballistic simulation.


The new method applies quadratic spline function to interpolate thenonharmonic function in Duhamel's integral.


First of all, Newton-Cotes integral formula is used to calculate the special solution of nonhomogeneous equation in Duhamel integral form for linear system.


Based on Fresnel Kirchhoff diffraction integral equation, a mathematical model on the diffraction of nonlinear optical media to Gaussian beam is established.


By the theory of natural boundary reduction, the natural integral equation and the Poisson integral formula of the problem considered are obtained, and the numerical method of the natural integral equation is given.


As we know,the integration by parts reveals the direct relationsbetween the integration of a function and that of its derivative.


In addition,the recursive summation method for programming the kirchhoff's integral formulation is discussed in detail.


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This paper analyzes the compound attractor structure of a new three-dimensional autonomous chaotic system.


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Objective: Elucidate the medicinal licorice species circumscription in order to develop licorice resources in China and select new cultivars.
