英语人>网络例句>科科拉 相关的搜索结果


与 科科拉 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Besides his newly-married wife Carla Bruni, four beautiful ministers will accompany him, namely, 31-year-old Minister of Human Rights Rama Yade, 42-year-old Minister of Justice Rachida Dati, 52-year-old Minister of Finance Christine Lagarde and 61-year-old Minister of the Interior Michele Alliot-Marie, which has caused British media to complain that their female MP's are not as glamorous as the French.


He reached out to America's allies, particularly through his second secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice, establishing good relations with France's Nicolas Sarkozy and Germany's Angela Merkel; and he also improved his administration's profile in the world by firing Donald Rumsfeld and sidelining various neoconservatives.


He reached out to America's allies, particularly through his second secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice, establishing good relations with France's Nicolas Sarkozy and Germany's Angela Merkel; and he also improved his administration's profile in the world by firing Donald Rumsfeld and sidelining various neoconservatives.


The Bianconeri trained in the morning today, supervised by assistant coach Damiano, because Ranieri had to travel to Nyon to attend the Club Elite Manager Forum, alongside the crème de la crème of European football, including Ferguson, Wenger, Guardiola, Advocaat, Scolari and Klinsmann.


The name Lafite comes from the Gascon language term "la hite",which means "hillock".When the S é gur family organised the vineyard in the 17th century,Lafite began to earn its reputation as a great winemaking estate.From the early 18th century,Lafite found its market in London,entering the public auction of London.

加斯科尼方言中& la hite &意为&小山丘&,&拉菲&因而得名。17世纪西格尔家族的到来,使得拉菲发展成为出名的大葡萄种植园。18世纪初,拉菲古堡的葡萄酒打入伦敦市场,进入了伦敦的公众拍卖会。

I had the opportunity to try the Barrel Series wines prior to the major tasting. The wines featured were from Katnook Estate, S Kidman Wines, Lindemans, Patrick T Gallant, Wynns of Coonawarra, Koonara, Stonehaven, Hollick Wines, Brand's of Coonawarra, Di Giorgio Family Wines and Penely Estate.


Kohler cabinet-furniture is specialized in producing complete sets of high-end kitchen cabinet portfolio, with the successful cooperation between Italy Faraday Group, the stage door by Italy, Germany, Austria, all imports of fire, love home plate, the Japanese import and Kyrgyzstan this artificial marble, metal pieces by Italy , Germany, Austria Hettich, glass, the United States Pula, and other well-known brands, products close to the European level, over the years by the vast number of clients.


During the rise of the Cult of Ragnos -- a secret sect of dark side worshippers who were tapping nexuses of Force energy in a bid to resurrect an ancient Sith Lord -- New Republic Jedi agents Kyle Katarn and Jaden Korr discovered and chased away cultists targeting Vjun.


The audience of the Beijing Music Festival has the opportunity to experience works, starting from Jan Scbastian Bach's cello suites performed by Mischa Maisky, through the Viennese Classicists Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven and Romanticists—Schumann, Tchaikovsky and Brahms — to the Impressionists Claude Debussy and Maurice Ravel and 20th-century Neoclassicists — Sergei Prokofiev and Igor Stravinsky.


Haven / Antwerp / to West; Valencia /its Asia / Adriatic; cadiz /, Palermo /¨ri,/ Livorno /, where¨// Baltimore East; Thessaloniki / Beirut,/ Alexandria / Limassol, Antalya,/ Trabzon /,/ racke Weng edge of the Black Sea; Constanza /, Varna /, Odessa /, Novorossiisk±, Poti / Burgas


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
