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与 科科拉 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The most common types are tricot and raschel.


Until Sunday, only Betis Sevilla had been able to beat Deportivo in their first home match of a new season.


A woman named Beth Collum is flipping through a register to find the name of a young man she knew in the 1960s. Here is the story, in Beth Collum's own words.


These were the Benjaminites: Sallu, son of Meshullam, son of Joed, son of Pedaiah, son of Kolaiah, son of Maaseiah, son of Ithiel, son of Jeshaiah


We do not support the continuing imposition of the "Republic of Lakotah" or its so-called "provisional government" which does not represent the will of the people, the traditional matrilineal Lakota society structure, nor the spirit of the Animal Nations which survive within the Elders and children.


A college, the Oglala Lakota College , has been opened on the reservation, where it offers advanced degrees in Lakota studies, nursing, business, information science, social work and other relevant fields.


Jason Steman began his bid for 2nd place by defeating Marty Jenning 7-6; Billy Tyler 7-5; he was sent to the one loss side by Travis Dorn 7-4; where he defeated Henry Cofer 5-3; Bryant Walker 5-4; Lance Ireland 5-4; Jesse Middlebrook 5-3; Dustin Byrd 5-4; Travis Dorn 5-2; and David Trest 5-2 only to be defeated by Brian Tyler in the Finals.

贾森steman开始了他的出价为第二位,击败马蒂jenning 7月6日;比利泰勒7月5日,他被送往一个损失方面,由特拉维斯多恩7月4日;何处,他打败了亨利科弗5月3日;科比沃克5 -四;兰斯爱尔兰5月4日;杰西middlebrook 5月3日;达斯汀伯德5月4日;特拉维斯多恩5月2日;和大卫trest 5-2只被否决由Brian泰勒在决赛。

Snape gave Draco a dangerous spell to use when Draco and Harry dueled in Chamber of Secrets .


Warp knits are classified according to the type of equipment used and to special characteristics of the resulting fabrics.


We had flirtations with Sarah Jessica Parker's New York glamour, Lily Allen's prom dresses, Alexa Chung's brogues and Michelle Obama's and Carla Bruni-Sarkozy's modern takes on Jackie O, while Madonna rewrote the rule book for the over-fifties.

偶像 我们欣赏过莎拉·杰西卡·帕克的纽约魅力,莉莉·艾伦的晚礼服,Alexa Chung的镂花皮鞋,米歇尔·奥巴马和卡拉布鲁尼·萨科齐佩戴Jackie O眼镜的大牌形象,同时麦当娜改写了50岁人们的常规生活,我们爱上了X战警里面的谢丽尔·科尔,她那夺人眼球的装扮,长长的卷发和假睫毛占据了电视台的黄金时段。

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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
