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Their first and most eminent representative was Protagoras ; other notable sophists include Gorgias of Leontini, Prodicus, Hippias, Antiphon, Thrasymachus, and Critias.


An ancient city of northwest Asia Minor near the Bosporus in present-day Turkey.


Commodus wished to rename the city of Rome the colonia Commodiana, which illustrates two characteristics of these new sorts of colonies. In the first place, the status of colony was considered honorific. In the third century, after all the inhabitants of the empire had become citizens, the colonial status was much sought after in the east, for reasons that must have involved prestige rather than practical benefit. Second, the change in status entailed no introduction of Roman settlers. The population remained unchanged.

康茂德皇帝曾想将罗马本城改名为科洛尼阿·康茂迪亚纳(Colonia Commodiana,即为康茂德所建的殖民城),这表明种改称的新型殖民城有两个特点:其一,殖民城的地位被视作是荣耀的,到3世纪所有帝国居民都被授予罗马公民权之后,在东方城市间仍努力寻求这种殖民城的地位,其原因更多是为了这一名号的威望,而不是实际的利益;其二,这种城镇地位上的变化不必引入任何罗马拓殖者,该地人口仍维持原样。

To mention a few instances of this -- Saints Columba in Scotland, Augustine in England, Boniface in Germany, Ansgar in Scandinavia, Swithbert and Willibrord in the Netherlands, Rupert and Emmeran in what is now Austria, Adalbert in Bohemia, Gall and Columban in Switzerland, were monks who, by the example of a Christian society, which they and their companions displayed, led the nations among whom they lived from paganism to Christianity and civilization.

举几个例子本-圣科伦巴在苏格兰,英格兰,奥古斯丁,博尼法斯在德国, A nsgar在斯堪的纳维亚半岛, S withbert和威利布罗德在荷兰,鲁珀特和E mmeran在现在的奥地利,阿德尔伯特在波西米亚,戈尔在和C olumban瑞士,谁是僧侣,例如由基督教社会,他们和他们的同伴显示,导致国家间他们住来自异教的基督教和文明。

Around 332 or 333 Constantine opened direct contact with Arius, and in 335 the two met at Nicomedia.

约332或333君士坦丁开辟直接接触arius ,并在335两个下午尼科美底亚。

However, in studies of other meditation styles such as a tantric yoga meditation practised by the Ananda Margas, which is similar in substance to certain of the kundalini kriyas of Swami Satyananda, Corby et al.

然而,在研究其它一些冥想方法时,如密宗瑜伽的"阿南达玛伽"及与其基本类似的思瓦米萨特亚南达的空达里尼瑜伽功,科尔比 Corby et al。

Athena's name is possibly of Lydian origin.It may be a compound word derived in part from Tyrrhenian "ati", meaning "mother" and the hame of the Hurrian Goddess "Hannahannah" shortened in various places to "Ana". In Mycenaean Greek, She possibly appears in a single inscription in the Linear B tablets: A-ta-na-po-ti-ni-ja /Athana potniya/ appears on a text from the Late Minoan II-era "Room of the Chariot Tablets" in Knossos, the earliest Linear B archive anywhere.

雅典娜这个名字可能起源于利底亚,它是由第勒尼安语中的&ati&和胡里安人的女神&Hannahannah&名字的简化&Ana&拼合而成,在迈锡尼文明时期,起源于米诺斯王朝后期,位于科诺索斯的&战车铭文之室&的一则铭文中,雅典娜也许是以&A-ta-na-po-ti-ni-ja /Athana potniya&这个名字出现的。

After a long meeting, Andriy Shevchenko and Adriano Galliani held a press conference in the trophy room at the club's Via Turati headquarters.


Defender Nicolas Giani , born on 13 March 1986, joins Serie C1 club Pro Patria on loan after spending the first half of last season at Cremonese and the second half with Inter Primavera


On March 26, the Olympic torch relay entered into its third day. The Olympic torch will leave Ioannina, via Metsovo, Grevena, Kozani and arrive in Veria.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
