英语人>网络例句>科学以前的 相关的搜索结果


与 科学以前的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This software take full advantage of the multimedia technique , especially the three-dimensional animation, to open out the abundant meanings and scientific theories in structural chemistry by using lush graphical interfaces, lifelike animation, lifesome sound effects, alluring exhibitive technique, translate bald contents and nonobjective theories into visual, direct-viewing, lively demonstration, change static and plane teaching method into dynamic and three-dimensional teaching process with attraction and infection, realize visual and enlightened teaching.


For instance, when in a new situation, an intelligent person thinks about the situation, not about himself or what might happen to him. 2、The parents in the experimental group were also instructed in how to help children find answers, how to suggest alternative possibilities and how to praise correct answers. 3、The agriculture revolution in the nineteenth century involved two things: the invention of laborsaving machinery and the development of scientific agriculture. 4、 By 1860, most of the machinery in use today had been designed in an early form.

当处于新环境的时候,一个聪明人会立即想到所处的环境,而不是他自己,或者他即将会遭遇什么试验组的家长们会被引导着怎样帮助孩子们找到答案,怎样提示可能的选择,以及怎样当得到了正确答案时表扬他们 19世纪的农业革命涉及到两方面:劳力节省的机械化革命和科学农耕发展大多数我们今天用着的机器在1860年以前就有了雏形在中国和英语文学里,一个诸如这样的短语:他变得苍白,开始发抖。

The researchers, who report their work in the March 5 issue of Science, caution that their findings in this previously unstudied region raise more questions than answers.


Through simulation and computation, some critical values to contral interferences are obtained. These values have directive significance to the design and deployment of WRAN.(4) New methods to measure and analyze spectrum aredevelopedAccording to the shortages of previous spectrum measurements, new methods to measure spectrum occupancy in wide-band and multi-point synchronously is proposed in this dissertation, and the tests last a whole week; the relativities of licensed services are considered when test points are selected. More importantly, data mining and in-depth analysis are carried out with the huge amounts of test data, and a channel analysis method using Channel Vacancy Duration and Service Congestion Rate are proposed. The spectrum relativities of 3-dimension in time, space and frequency are researched also. The correlativity between channel state and history information is discoved, and which will provide the scientific basis to channel modeling, spectrum analysis and decision of CR users.

4提出了频谱测量与分析的新方法针对以前频谱测量工作存在的不足,本文提出了多点同时广域频谱测量方法,测量工作持续了一周的时间,同时考虑了测量地点的选取和频谱授权业务之间的相关性;对测量得到的海量数据进行了数据挖掘和深度分析,提出了使用信道空闲时间(Channel VacancyDuration,CVD)和业务拥塞率(Service Congestion Rate,SCR)进行信道分析的方法,研究了频谱之间的时间、空间、和频率三维立体的相关性,发现了信道状态和历史信息的关联性,为CR用户的信道建模、频谱分析和决策提供了科学的理论依据。

In her new book, Sex: A Natural History, science reporter Joann Rodgers debunks some previous sexual theories, as she explores the biology and psychology of what drives our sexual behavior, from why we find Hollywood star Brad Pitt attractive, to why we sometimes cheat on our mates.

科学记者Joann Rodgers在她的新书—《性:一部自然史》中指出,以前一些性理论的欺骗性。她在书中挖掘了我们性行为冲动的生物学和心理学基础,由此我们可以解释好莱坞明星Brad Pitt为何如此迷人,我们有时为什么会欺骗自己的配偶。

In her new book, Sex: A Natural History, science reporter Joann Rodgers debunks some previous sexual theories, as she explores the biology and psychology of what drives our sexual behavior, from why we find Hollywood star Brad Pitt attractive, to why we sometimes cheat on our mates.

科学Joann Rodgers在她的新书—《性:一部自然史》中指出,以前一些性理论的欺骗性。她在书中挖掘了我们性行为冲动的生物学和心理学基础,由此我们可以解释好莱坞明星Brad Pitt为何如此迷人,我们有时为什么会欺骗自己的配偶。

Scans of horses' teeth have shown how the soft pulp can extend closer to the surface of their teeth than suspected before, he told New Scientist, leading some vets involved with the centre to conclude that rasps should no longer be used so routinely to file down horses' teeth.


"We had previously shown that ultraviolet light has an effect on mood that tanners value," said Mandeep Kaur of the Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center."Now, in this small study, we've shown that some tanners actually experience withdrawal symptoms when the 'feel-good' chemicals are blocked."


This paper proposes a new-style equivalent source method,in which the number and position of all the ES can be determined and the field distribution in all subregions expressed as series form.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
