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与 科学 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Concluded that the definition and characteristics of science and ethics, combined with some of the modern case studies to discuss key issues of scientific ethics of the study, pointing out that on the one hand to strengthen the scientific and ethical quality of scientific workers in the other hand, the urgent need for ethical guidance of mankind, from the ethical angle of reflection on science, so that science can truly benefit of mankind.


One is the lacking of suitable social context, restrained by Confucianism tradition of pragmatism. The other is the irrational fanatic circumstance after the 'Culture Revolution'. This resulted in the fact that science cannot perfect itself for its own sake at all and the intellectuals cannot stand on their dignity. The other is the hypercorrection of science people made. This turned science into 'God' in their mind. The fanaticism resulted in scientism in science circle and the prevailing pseudoscience in society.


However, in the face of the continual negative effect of science and technology and the interior problem of the science education, people begun to turn over to think the science curriculum and consider that the science curriculum should reflect the cultural character of science, envisage the negative effect of science and technology, pay attention to the functi...


The research instruments included " Science Concept Comprehension Test, Science-related Attitudes Scale, and Problem Solving Ability Test". The results of this study were that: STS group had significantly positive effect than traditional group on SCCT, SRAS and PSAT.(2) Field-independent students had significantly positive effect than Field-dependent on SCCT.(3) There were no interaction between teaching methods and cognitive styles.


Guo Guichun, the Chinese expert in scientific realism, considers that different from the argumentation between the former traditional realism and the antirealism, the divarication from the contemporary scientific realism with the antirealism is no longer about whether or not acknowledgement of existed objective world independent from the will of the people, or ontology question and so on in material first nature, but about the acknowledgment of world existence, acknowledgement of the perceptual experience provided for objective world information, acknowledgement of the science as the rational cause, acknowledgement of the progressiveness and success of science, acknowledgement of that under the premise of theory entity playing key role in the cognition process, to understand why the science can obtain success, approach the truth gradually, or the real existence of theory entity, or actuality of the scientific goal, so on in the divarication of significant epistemology .


On Confucius Antitheism;2. Science plays a key role in the struggle of antitheism against theism,because theism propagandizes religious theology camouflaged by science,while antitheism opposes theism by means of science.


The author tries to certify the autocephaly independency of scientific apparatus in scientific knowing action, proposes that scientific apparatus is not only a static observing tool, but a dynamic tool of intervening. And scientific apparatus not only represents the scientific object, but constructs the scientific object.


Kuhn makes the point—I think quite correctly—that both are essential and that normal science is required to select, albeit idiosyncratically, specific scientific puzzles for the intense cultivation that makes clear the fundamental limitations of science and that occasionally leads to a fundamental reconsideration of its tenets, that is, to scientific revolution.


The current and future Chinese scientific educational reform desiderates the academic support of scientific educational research.


So the West is scientific, the non-West is not; physicians are scientific, midwives and alternative healers are not; chemists are scientific, wives and husbands in their kitchens are not. This process is most pronounced, in general, in those societies that border occident and orient. If our focus is on science, then the process of orientalizing and occidentalizing should be most pronounced just at the boundary between science and the humanities, and even more so at the boundary between the physical, the natural, and the social sciences.


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
