- 与 种质 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
objectiveto keep the stability of issr_pcr and reliability of genetic diversity, sibship analysis and source assessing for aconitum carmichael dexb.
It is important to learn origin, evolution, spread of adzuki bean through research genetic diversity of adzuki bean germplasm resources.
Establishing a core collection of adzuki bean can simplify management and enhance utilization of genetic resources in adzuki bean research programmes.
Genetic variation in demes appeared 8 times higher than among demes. The paper also gave a few methods such as dendrogram, statistic, frequency of markers, polymorphic bands and special loci, genetic variations within and among demes for conservation and utility, molecular checking indexes for cultivars can provide basic information for protection of intellectual property rights and selection of wanted cultivars.
The resistances to head smut of some CIMMYT maize populations were identified by the method of artificial inoculation under field condition to direct the introduction and utilization of CIMMYT maize germplasm in China.
The results showed S curve for effects of NaCl stress on germination of watermelon seed, the middle point between two inflexions of the curve was at 120mmol/L and could be used as referenced screening concentration to study 'ZQK0395' salt tolerance genetics, the second curve inflexion was at 180mmol/L and could be used as referenced concentration for 'ZQK0395' salt-tolerant germplasm selection.
In the major progenitors in wheat breeding, the landraces showed distinct genetic difference.
Huangzaosi promoted the development of the high-density-tolerance maize breeding,enriched the germplasm gene pool and identified the breeding line of breeding close planting varieties in Jilin province.
As a native of Litchi chinensis, China is abundant in germplasm resources in the tropical and south sub-tropical zone. In Hainan province, Some big wild litchi trees and batches of wild litchi have been found in the tropical origenate forestry of Bawang, Wuzhi, Jianfeng, Diaoluo, and Jingu Mountains. In addition, there are 4,000hm2 of litchi seedlings scattered on Hainan island. They comprise a huge gene pool of litchis germplasm resources,Which is both bases of seedling selection at present and source of genetic breeding in the future.
Although a certain correlation with the morphological classification based mainly on the characteristic of tubercles on the ripe fruit skin,the range of classification by RAPD was more detailed than that of morphological classification.
- 推荐网络例句
Breath, muscle contraction of the buttocks; arch body, as far as possible to hold his head, right leg straight towards the ceiling (peg-leg knee in order to avoid muscle tension).
The cost of moving grain food products was unchanged from May, but year over year are up 8%.
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