英语人>网络例句>种子植物 相关的搜索结果


与 种子植物 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

When we give up all claim to a knowledge of the final end, we shall clearly perceive that just as we cannot invent any flower or seed more truly appropriate to a plant than those it produces, so we cannot imagine any two persons, with all their past in such complete congruity down to the smallest details, with the part they were destined to play.


All the contents of Extractable heavy metal like Pb, Cu, Zn and Cd in limestone slagged wasteland are higher than those in contrapositive soil nearby. The slag filtrate has no effect on seed germination rate of Mung beans, Broad beans and Corns but restrains their germination vigor and protraction of hypocotyls with root restraint rate exceeding 30-50%; While it has an apparent effect on germination rate and germination vigor of sensitive seeds like Beans with P=0.05. Simulate to plant the 4 different seeds in pot for a month, Test groups have a lower data in total leaf area, plant height and weight but a much higher content of protective materials like PRO and MDA in biochemical mensuration experiment compared with CK group.


In previous study,the ability of plant resist-drought almost focuses on plant foot,corm and leaf,except seed, especially,large number kinds of plant species is not report.


In total, 69 species of seeds were recorded in the soil seed bank, with a very low density of germinable seeds and most of them were buried in 2~5 cm in soil. Seedling density of C.

福建青冈天然林土壤种子库有69种植物种子,但种子数量较少,且分布不均匀,种子库中78.42%种子分布在2~5 cm土层中。

Seed pods of Ibicella lutea, Martynia annua, and Proboscidea parviflora. No one has accused Martynia annua of being a carnivore. It just has shady relatives. Note the very spiny pod of Ibicella lutea and rather smooth pod of Proboscidea parviflora.

网站第二张图是三种植物的种子)左边的黄花单角胡麻种子布满棘刺;中间的 Martynia annua 并无列入食虫植物,它只是和亲戚长得有点像罢了;右边的 Proboscidea parviflora 种子则较为平滑。

But when we examined the structure of cultivar of D. huoshanense, endomycorhiza was founded unexpectedly. And in the wild type of D. huoshanense, fungi was also founded in its stems and leaves. So the author thought that endomycorhiza is not only located in the roots of Dendiobium plants, but also exists in other organs of plants, including stems, leaves. As plant produces seeds, mycorhiza could enter into the cells of seeds. When mature seeds germinate in media, the endomycorhiza enter into the roots of cultivar.


Raffinose family oligosaccharides are among the most widespread low_molecu lar_mass α_galactosides in seeds, mainly includes raffinose, stachyose, verbascose.


Human's skull is very solid and close. The physiologiers and the anatomists have used any means to divide it perfectly,but they have no such strength, later,someone invented suddenly a way ,that is put some seeds of plants in the skull that is to be dissected and provide them temperature and humidity to make them germinate. Once they germinate ,these seeds with terrible strength divided perfectly the skull that any mechanical power can't divide. The power of plants'seeds is so large.


Human's skull is so compact and solid that biologists and anatomists exhausted all the ways to dissect it completely but in vain. Then someone came up with an idea. They put some seeds in the skull to be dissected and provide an environment of relative temperature and moisture for them to sprout. Once the seeds sprout, they manifested horrible force with which he succeeded in opening up the skull that may not even dissected by mechanical means. This story tells us how powerful the seed is!


In recent years, many studies have suggested that the selective pressure be-tween dispersers and plants is rather weak.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
