英语人>网络例句>离瓣的 相关的搜索结果


与 离瓣的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Penis residual stump was advanced to anterior portion of the newly restoration penile body as "glans"; To take full layer skin of penis from post-operating patients to observe neurofibril regeneration by light microscopy, electron microscopy and scanning electron microscopy; To determine sensation recovery by physical examination; To check erectile function with NEVA System.


Petals free, blue, spatulate or orbicular, inner 2 larger and clawed.

花瓣离生,蓝色,匙形或圆形,内部大的2 和瓣爪。

Sterile flowers few, large; sepals 2 or 3, free or sometimes basally slightly connate, petaloid.


Flowers actinomorphic, bisexual or unisexual; perianth (3 or)4- or 5-merous; sepals and petals free.


During cataract surgery, when counter with rupture of lens posterior capsular, deletion and extension of the zonule in ICCE, ECCE, PHACO and SICS, the ideal way is in-the-bag implantation and scleral suture fixation of posterior chamber intraocular lens.


Petals 5, free, imbricate, unequal, clawed, adnate from middle to upper part of calyx tube.


Stamens 1 or 2 × as many as sepals; filaments short, slender; anthers basifixed, mostly oblong or linear, 4-loculed, dehiscing by slits, antisepalous anthers sometimes somewhat longer than antipetalous ones; pollen grains shedding at 3-celled stage. Ovary inferior, 1(or 2)- or 4-celled, septa solid or practically absent (present only at base and apex of ovary); styles as many as sepals, alternisepalous, free, mostly short, grading into globose or subulate stigmas, spreading in fruit; stigmatic papillae hairlike; ovules as many as styles, rarely 1, apical, pendulous, anatropous.

雄蕊1或2 *同数萼片;花丝短,纤细;花药基着,通常长圆形或者线形,4室,纵向开裂,对萼花药稍比对瓣花药长;花粉粒在3室的阶段散落子房下位,1(或者2)或4室,隔膜实心或几乎无(只在基部和子房先端存在);花柱和萼片同数,与萼片互生,离生,柱头乳突毛发状;胚珠与花柱同数,很少1,顶生,倒生。

Calyx 5-parted, 2-dentate between lobes, strongly enlarged in fruit, bilaterally compressed, becoming somewhat clamshell-shaped, with distinct reticulate venation, irregularly emarginate-serrate; lobes unequal. Corolla violet or white, tubular; throat appendaged; limb 5-parted.


Petals spreading, free, usually hooded or galeate, sometimes corniculate.


Fruit dehiscent siliques, linear, lanceolate, or oblong, terete, somewhat 4-angled, or latiseptate, sessile, segmented; valvular segment dehiscent, few to many seeded, longer or shorter than terminal segment, torulose; valves with 3-7, prominent, longitudinal veins, thin or thick and obscurely veined; terminal segment indehiscent, seedless or 1- or 2-seeded, flattened and ensiform, or terete and conical or subulate, sometimes corky; replum rounded; septum complete, membranous; style distinct; stigma capitate, 2-lobed.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
