英语人>网络例句>离瓣的 相关的搜索结果


与 离瓣的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The present study initially put forward that the overestimation to underestimation of actual flow rates by the flow rates calculated using the hemispheric flow convergence method is due to the gradual change of isovelocity surface area in different zones of the flow convergence region, which was proven in our in vitro, animal and human studies.


Sepals 3(or 5); lateral sepals free or connate, margins entire or serrate; lower sepal large, petaloid, usually navicular, funnelform, saccate, or cornute, tapering or abruptly constricted into a nectariferous spur broadly or narrowly filiform, straight, curved, incurved, or ± coiled, swollen at tip, or pointed, rarely 2-lobed, rarely without spur. Petals 5, free, upper petal flat or cucullate, small or large, often crested abaxially, lateral petals free or united in pairs. Stamens 5, alternating with petals, connate or nearly so into a ring surrounding ovary and stigma, falling off in one piece before stigma ripens; filaments short, flat with a scalelike appendage inside; anthers 2-celled, connivent, opening by a slit or pore.


Having separate petals, as on the corolla of a rose or ''.


The carnation or a similar plant of the genus Dianthus.


Flowers and fruit 4-merous only; disk lobes suberect, circling ovary; ovule 1 per locule; fruit axis splitting or not, free from valves when fruit dehisces; seeds only 1 per cell, hanging from top of persistent axis; raphe branch usually at base of seed

仅花和果4瓣;花盘裂片近直立,环绕的子房;胚珠1每室;果轴劈开与否,离生的裂爿结果时开裂;每室种子只1,从宿存的轴的顶悬挂;通常的种脊树枝种子的在基部, 2 Glyptopetalum 沟瓣属

Methods There were four characteristics compared to the conventional dacryocystorhinostomy:(1) need not cut inner canthal ligament;(2) two U-shape petals in the lacrimal sac and nasal mucosa,(3) need not suture between the two petals,(4) did not placed the tube during the operation or after the operation.


Fruit dehiscent siliques, linear or rarely oblong, terete, 4-angled, or latiseptate, sessile or shortly stipitate, segmented; valvular segment dehiscent, 4-46-seeded, longer than terminal segment, smooth or torulose, valves with a prominent midvein and obscure lateral veins; terminal segment seedless or 1(-3)-seeded; replum rounded; septum complete, translucent or opaque, veinless or with a distinct midvein; style obsolete or distinct; stigma capitate, entire or 2-lobed.


Methods Take Millard law as basis,piece of contrapuntal suture C fixed point being designed,rotating,full muscle of mouth wheel sneaking under the piece of skin parting for and will be located in nose pillaret,the wing of nose place in A,B is away from breaking,revolution cotton-padded mattress style sews the ridge taking form up,to be good for lip external shape formation and functional recovering.


Petals white or pink, sometimes yellowish, longer or rarely shorter than sepals; blade obovate, spatulate, or oblanceolate, apex obtuse or retuse; claw distinct or not.


Sepals spurless; petals basally almost free; basal leaves of flowering stems ovate-lanceolate, persistent; seeds winged

萼片无距;几乎的基部的花瓣离生;花茎的基生叶卵状披针形,宿存;种子具翅 19 S。 barbeyi 离瓣景天

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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
