英语人>网络例句>神道 相关的搜索结果


与 神道 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Because that they have forsaken me, and have worshipped Ashtoreth the goddess of the


Because that they have forsaken me, and have worshipped Ashtoreth the goddess of the Zidonians, Chemosh the god of the Moabites, and Milcom the god of the children of Ammon, and have not walked in my ways, to do that which is right in mine eyes, and to keep my statutes and my judgments, as did David his father.

11:33 因为他离弃我,敬拜西顿人的女神亚斯她录,摩押的神基抹,和亚扪人的神米勒公,没有遵从我的道,行我眼中看为正的事,守我的律例典章,像他父亲大卫一样。

I will do this because they have forsaken me and worshiped Ashtoreth the goddess of the Sidonians, Chemosh the god of the Moabites, and Molech the god of the Ammonites, and have not walked in my ways, nor done what is right in my eyes, nor kept my statutes and laws as David, Solomon's father, did.


On the way of chinese's space dream,shenzhou 5 is a marker,shenzhou 6 finish it's journey,and chang's running to moon are more beatiful and blandness,it can show a full china dream to the world.


God's truth, his words, his grace and love continues to move to wherever he wants.


And most importantly, we need to accept without hesitation the ways of God, because He is God.


II. To these officers the keys of the kingdom of heaven are committed; by virtue whereof, they have power, respectively, to retain, and remit sins; to shut that kingdom against the impenitent, both by the Word, and censures; and to open it unto penitent sinners, by the ministry of the Gospel; and by absolution


By realizing the onset、course、pathology、therapy and prognosis of NMO, we draw conclusions as follows after consulting the advances of therapeutic mechanisms and methods on myelitis、optic neuritis、multiple sclerosis、spinal cord injury etc, and combined with the typical case analysis of NMO diagnosed and treated mainly by XNKQ Acupuncture Therapy by stages:1 XNKQ Acupuncture Therapy grasps the soul of Canon of medicine, that is "Be the monarch normal, the followers are safe; while the monarch be abnormal, the twelves followers are dangerous and the channels are obstructed", believes that the main pathological mechanism of NMO be "The vitality can"t direct the qi which making the medulla injuried and the optical passage closed.

通过对NMO发病、病因、病理、治疗、预后的认识,参阅针灸治疗脊髓炎、视神经炎、多发性硬化、脊髓损伤等疾病的治法及作用机制研究进展,结合以醒法为主分期诊治NMO的临床典型病例分析,得出以下结论:1 醒法领会《内经》&主明则下安,主不明则十二官危,使道闭塞不通&的精神,认为本病总病机是&神不导气,髓损目暗&,汲取&凡刺之法,必先本于神&的精髓,确立了&调神导气,益髓明目&总则,分期辨证诊治,具有渊远流长的理论根基和标新立异的创新精神。2 与传统针法相比,醒法治疗NMO具有四大优势,即病机认识的深刻性、选穴处方的独创性、施术操作的规范性和临床疗效的显著性。

For we are not, like so many, peddlers of God's word, but as men of sincerity, as commissioned by God, in the sight of God we speak in Christ.


While the most descriptive accounts of the Gardens come from Greek historians such as Berossus and Diodorus Siculus, Babylonian records stay silent on the matter.

目录 导言宗教的实质第一编原始的梦境:原始宗教第一章宗教的产生第二章图腾崇拜第三章祖先崇拜、灵物崇拜和偶像崇拜第四章从多神崇拜到一神崇拜第五章古埃及宗教第六章古巴比伦宗教第二编苦难者的宗教:犹太教第一章犹太民族的诞生第二章以色列人在埃及第三章出埃及记第四章以色列人定居巴勒斯坦第五章欧洲人统治下的犹太人第六章犹太人的大流散第七章犹太人回归故土的热望第八章犹太教经典第三编天国之道:基督教第一章耶稣传奇第二章基督教的产生第三章基督教的变迁第四章中世纪基督教第五章改革运动第六章近代基督教第七章经典、组织和礼仪第四编信主独一:伊斯兰教第一章伊斯兰教之前的阿拉伯第二章伊斯兰教的产生第三章早期伊斯兰教的传播第四章哈里发时代第五章四大王朝时代第六章近现代的伊斯兰教第七章伊斯兰教派运动第八章经典和礼仪第五编痛苦中的生路:佛教第六编信仰的疆土:宗教在世界各国……购买此商品的顾客也购买了·文学简史·东方哲学简史/简史文丛系列·快读二十四史·千万别卖家具--终端销售攻略·读者文摘精粹版1:幸福像花儿一样查看此商品的顾客也查看了·宗教简史·神圣的存在--比较宗教的范型·神之简史·中国人的心灵图谱:魂魄·世界宗教寻踪

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The split between the two groups can hardly be papered over.


This approach not only encourages a greater number of responses, but minimizes the likelihood of stale groupthink.


The new PS20 solar power tower collected sunlight through mirrors known as "heliostats" to produce steam that is converted into electricity by a turbine in Sanlucar la Mayor, Spain, Wednesday.
