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与 神经内的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Firstly, the establishment of model requires sophisticated neurointerventional techniques and costly interventional materials(sacculus, minikin circlip ring, endovascular electrocoagulation), it not only consumed time but also increased the resesrch expense ; Secondly, although the Massoud model is the first successful model that contain the nidus, but it is far from mimicking the high-flow fistulae frequently observed in a brain AVM; Thirdly, the rapid spontaneous thrombosis result in fistula occlusion in a short time;Fouthly, the model's natural course and the long–term patency of fistula are unclear;Currently the model is only used for the short-term research.


It employs the complex-valued step function to build neural model, then constructs network structure and decides the number of neurons; it adopts complex-valued Hebbian rules and inner product way to calculate the net weight matrix; then it analyzes the convergence of the network by taking advantage of the definition of energy function. In the image pre-processing stage, 2-dimensional Fourier Transform and Euler's formula are used, respectively, to transfer a gray-scaled image into phase information needed by the complex-valued neural network when stores the traffic sign. In the image post-processing stage, phase inverse transformation is used to change the phase image to gray-scaled image.


Of portions of the electric fluid, too minute to be discovered even by the delicate electrometer..., and he has detected in the metals, which Dr Galvani considered as mere agents in conducting his animal electricity, that very existing principle which the Doctor and his followers had overlooked.

什麼时候给电气的流体的部分的行动征服的神经,太微小不能透过精美的electrometer 甚至发现。。。,并且他已经在金属内发现,在非常传导他的动物电,那方面认为仅仅代理人的Galvan医生和他的随从者已经忽略的现有的原则。

The GFAP is a specific marker of astrocyte, its expression is more higher in the activity astrocyte, and finally the GFAP become the main composition of scar formations. The S -100 is a kind of acidity, dissolubilites, low molecular quantity and calcium hydronium conjugated protein, and it is mainly existed in neuroglial cell and schwann cell. It can promote the growth of axon, glial hyper-plasia and nerve divide and calcium's stability inside of cell, thus regulatin g the shape and metabolism of astrocyte . The quantity of S -100 protein and the degree of ischemia have direct proportion .


The equipment has crept forward in its technology since Robin and his merry men had the run of Sherwood Forest, but the sport of archery remains essentially unchanged, A recurve bow coated in fiberglass has become standard, and arrows made of aluminium and carbon graphite can travel more than 240km/h, but the most important repuirements are straight forward: steady hands, strong shoulders, flexible muscles, sharp eyes and nerves of steel.


Studies also indicated that genistein exsists not only in soybeans but also in many kinds of plants such as vegetables and fruits.As a potential anticancer agent, the actional mechanisms of genistein mainly includes as follows:First, genistein can depress the activity of protein tyrosine kinase and transduction pathways for the phosphorylation of receptors and mitosis signal. So genistein can lead to cells' proliferation depressed. Second, genistein has minimal effects of phytoestrogens. It can be combined with estrogen receptor and improve the synthesis of cellular sex hormone binding glulobin, and improve the activity of UDP-glucuronyl transferase. Through these pathways, it can inhibit the cell activity of breast cancer and prostate cancer.


We found that 1 mutant EG4 cells showed typical characteristics of pluripotent stem cells which had no obvious difference with wild cells; 2 When induced by 10〓 M retinoic acid , mutant EG4 cells differentiated into adipocytes with high frequency compared with mutant cells, suggested that EGFR plays a role in adipocyte differentiation; 3 when injected into nude mice, mutant teratocarcinomas contained a large amount of connective tissues as well as skeletal muscle, while wild EG4 cells produced frequently cartilage, keratinocyte and neuroepithelium.

我们建立了稳定表达胞内区功能缺失的外源EGFR cDNA片段的EG4细胞,分析其生长分化特性,发现 1)突变型细胞可在未分化状态下维持长时间的增殖,表明EGFR对EG多能干细胞表型无明显影响;2)〓 M的维甲酸A(retinoid acid A,RA)诱导后,大部分对照组细胞分化为脂肪细胞,而突变型细胞分化为脂肪细胞的比例明显较少,表明EGFR在脂肪细胞的发育分化中具有一定的调节作用;3)畸胎瘤切片分析显示,突变型瘤组织分布有大量的未分化细胞和结缔组织,分化细胞以肌肉细胞为主;对照组瘤组织含丰富的角质上皮、软骨、神经管等依赖EGFR的分化组织。

Minocycline represses diabetes-induced inflammatory cytokine production, reduces the release of cytotoxins from actiated microglia, and significantly reduces measurable caspase-3 actiity within the retina.


The results showed that a large amount of dense precipitate occurred at the medullary sheath and mitochondria in the periaqueductal grey and hypothalamus after the application of electroacupuncture or injection of morphine and T...


Objective To investigate whether tyrosine protein kinases Src and Fyn were involved in the phosphorylation of NR2A induced by cerebral ischemia followed by reperfusion. Methods Transient (15 min) brain ischemia was induced by the four-vessel occlusion in Sprague-Dawley rats. The antisense oligodeoxynucleotides of Src and Fyn were used to suppress the expression of Src and Fyn by intracerebroventricular infusion once a day for 3 days before ischemia.

近年来,最受人们关注的缺血性脑损伤机制是兴奋性氨基酸(excitatory amino acid, EAA)的神经毒性作用及神经元内钙超载触发的级联反应[1],其中NMDA受体的NR2亚基在缺血性脑损伤中起着非常重要的作用,在缺血/再灌注(ischemia/ reperfusion,I/R)过程中其蛋白表达、磷酸化水平均有改变。

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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
