英语人>网络例句>神经内的 相关的搜索结果


与 神经内的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Preserving intercostobrachial nerve during axillary dissection of breast cancer can decrease the incidence of abnormal sense on the skin of medial upper arms.


After intraseptal injection of β-AP, no significant impairment of discrimination learning was found, but the step-down test revealed the impairment of memory retention.


The increases in calcium channels α2/δ1 subunit, GABA〓 receptors α5 subunit, sodium channels and nACh receptors in both DRG and spinal cord indicate their potential roles in the development of new target of analgesia drug.

本研究发现的一些在外周神经损伤后DRG和脊髓背角内都上调的分子,如钙通道α2/δ1亚基、GABA〓Rα5亚基、若干钠通道亚基和nACh R亚基,为寻找新的镇痛药物靶点提供了一定的线索。

Methods Adopting electrophysiological methods, the extracellular discharge signals of neuronic action in NTS were recorded with glass microelectrode. The influence of the discharges of NTS neurons and gastric pressure responding to the acupuncture at "Zusanli" point were observed in normal status and the condition of Atropine or Metoclopramide intravenous injection.


Methods: Adopting electrophysiological methods, the extracellular discharge signals of neuronic action in NTS were recorded with glass microelectrode. The influence of the discharges of NTS neurons responding to the acupuncture at "Zusanli","Neiguan","Zhongwan","Qihai" point were observed in rats' normal status and the condition of intravenous injection Atropine.


The egg-adapted Van Roekel strain is highly neurotropic and does not grow efficiently in the enteric tract of the chicken,and the field isolates of AEV is usually

鸡胚适应株Van Roekel是高度嗜神经的,并且在鸡的肠道内不能有效的生长,而野毒株却是嗜肠道型的。

Niemann-Pick disease type C is a fatal, neurovisceral storage disease neuropathologically characterized by cytoplasmic sequestration of cholesterol in neurons and progressively widespread neuronal loss, caused by mutations in genes NPC1 and NPC2 (also HE1) which encode for proteins required for the intracellular trafficking of cholesterol from lysosomes to late endosomes.


According to the location of the cavernous sinus lesions,different surgical approaches to the cavernous sinus in the frontotemporal orbitozygomatic craniotomy could be used to safely expose the lesion without imparing important nerves and vessels.


With the dynamic model, the pendular nystagmus was simulated, assuming that the medial rectus and lateral rectus were cyclically stimulated by neural pulse. And the movement parameters of nystagmus in this condition were calculated.


Neuronalα4β2 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors are the most widespread subtypes in central nervous system.α4β2 nAChRs mainly exist in procerebrum, parietal lobe cortex, temporal lobe cortex, hippocampus, basal ganglion and cerebellum.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
