英语人>网络例句>神经内的 相关的搜索结果


与 神经内的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The effects of estrogen on the expression of ER, NGF and ChAT in rats cerebellum were studied in this paper.


The aortic nerve stimulation produced depressor and bradycardic responses were elicited in urethan and chloralose aneasthetized rabbits.


Severance of nerve from muscle will induce retrograde changes in the body of the neuron, known as chromatolysis, which is a sign of dysfunction.


Inside the source apply color to develop process in the tooth in formative of, such as four wreath vegetables deposition is in the tooth essence, will make tooth yellow, brown or dark gray, be called four wreaths plain tooths;If containing fluorine in the drinking water is excessive, may also cause fluorine spot tooth, the tooth noodles presents a white chalk color, the palm tree brown spot piece;If the tooth nerve is bad clay-cold, hemoglobin and germ resolve an outcome to combine to also make tooth black.


Normally, the neural tube is fully closed between 26 and 28 days after the start of the pregnancy.


Objective To observe the effect of intrathecal injection of ketamine and clonidine for chronic constriction injury in rats.


Results The pathological changes in the nuclei mentioned above included the crimple and ruture of nucleus membrane,mitochondria degeneration and other degenerative structure such as plenty of primary lysosomes,agglomeration of lipochrome,Golgi complex degeneration and so on.


1 Day after injury ruptured capillary could be seen in ganglion cell layer, 4 weeks after injury cells in each layer arranged sparsely and disorderedly, in some RGCs chromatin became dense, 8 weeks after injury the cells in each layer became fewer and large amount of RGCs without nucleus could be seen.

3光镜下伤后1 d视网膜神经节细胞层出血,伤后4周视网膜各层细胞稀疏、排列欠整齐,GCL散在核染色质浓集、边聚的节细胞,伤后8周视网膜各层细胞明显减少,GCL内大量空化节细胞。

Objective To investigate the effect of drug injection into the dorsal root ganglia for failed back surgery syndrome.

目的 探讨背根神经节内注射药物对控制腰椎手术后疼痛综合征的作用。

Vanderbilt neuroscientists Paul E. Dux and René Marois have found that when it comes to handling two things at once, your brain, while fast, isn't that fast.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
