英语人>网络例句>神经内的 相关的搜索结果


与 神经内的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

An enriched PCR fragments with less complexity were obtained and mainly expressed in the denervated hippoampus After cloning into the plasmid vector, 46 clones were initially screened and subjected to autosequencing By comparison with the EMBO gene databases, 21 gene fragments of different types were obtained with 11 similar to genes of known function and 10 similar to ones of unknown function It is inferable that the altered gene expressions of hippocampus following the entorhinally denervation may underlie the specfic reinnervation and the formation of synapses by transplanted entorhinal neurons with host neuropil within the denervated target areas.

初步挑选出的46个转化后的阳性克隆,经点杂交筛选和基因序列分析,与Gene Database同源性比较后,得到21种基因片段,其中功能已知的有11种,功能未知的有10种。结果表明海马在去内嗅皮层后某些基因表达的改变,这可能是移植胚胎内嗅皮层神经细胞轴突特异支配去神经靶区和重建突触联系有关。

Meanwhile, activatedNF-κB also appeared in vascular endothelial cell in brain for more than 1 year. Long-term activation of NF-κB in neuroglia cells induced atrophy of involved brain.


Results The choroid plexus, hypophysis, area postrema and pineal body, namely, circumventricular organs and ependyma as well as pia mater layers were stained by the HRP reaction products.The HRP reaction products were observed in the tissue space of membrane mucosa nasi, around the fila olfactoria and venules, and within the venules under the light microscopy and electron microscopy, also. Scintillation count showed that the radioactivity of the CVOs was higher than that of the background. The radioautography showed that the scattered grains of silver existed within the cells of neurocyte layer also.

结果 在脑室周围器官及脑室周围室管膜、软脑膜层有HRP反应产物的聚集,在鼻中隔的鼻粘膜下组织间隙、嗅丝周围间隙及静脉周围和管腔内也可见到HRP反应产物;液闪计数显示,大白鼠的脉络丛、脑垂体、最后区、松果体等脑室周围器官放射性活度明显高于本底;放射自显影显示大白鼠脑组织神经层细胞内有散在分布的银颗粒。

The central integrative part of the baroreflex receives afferent information not only from the sino-aortic baroreceptors, but also from various other sources. The present study was to investigate the effect of somatic nerve stimulation on baro-reflex. The exoeriment was performed in α-chloralose-urethane anesthetized rabbits. Intrasi- nusal pressure -mean arterial pressure res- ponse curves were constructed.


Objective:To evaluate the application of titanium plate and titanium mesh in multi-segmental cervical spondylotic myelopathy anterior fixation.Methods:Twenty-five patients of multi-segmental cervical spondylotic myelopathy were treated with anterior cervical corectomy and fixation with titanium plate and titanium mesh from 1998 to 2002.Results:All the twenty-five patients of bone planted were in fusion.Titanium mesh shedding,screw loose,plate breaking were not found after follow-up for an average of twelve months.The function of nerve had been improved.


Blood speckle noise in the IVUS image would affect the validity of edge detection badly. A temporal/spatial filtering method was used to preprocess the IVUS image to restrain the noise. Then a method to automatically detect the intima and ectoblastic edge of IVUS image was presented. This method is based on the active contour model and the contrast properties of IVUS image, which makes use of the Hopfield NN and simulated annealing algorithm.


ABSTRACT with Huangdi's Internal Classic and a great deal of clinic verification,indorctrinate for foundation,combine the nerve,the meridian electromagnetism field and the quantum physics to the new detection that realizes a function of thought outside body, argument The main mechanism of the method of reinforcing-reduucing in Huangdi's Internal is to promoting-reduucing Qi with doctor's thought,the very few entwist and turn;Discover new the method of reinforcing-reduucing mechanism, to many repaired basic standpoints of the reinforcing-reduucing to all do all new hermeneutic combine in the clinic and can verify, and unify to named after"acupuncture of promoting Qi with thought ".


Lipomatous tumors in internal auditory canal and cerebellopontine angle are very rare; low-grade papillary adenocarcinoma of endolymphatic sac origin is rarely reported and has low malignant potential.


The outer neuroblastic layer before it divided to inner and outer nuclear layer and outer complexiform layer and gonglion cell layer showed a temporal PCNA positive which was related to proliferation. The three cell layers had another PCNA positive when finished time changed from outer to inner after their morphologic development basically completed( outer nuclear layer:11~15 days,inner nuclear layer: 8~16 days, gonglion cell layer:16~21 days).

PCNA显示在外成神经细胞层分化为内、外核层和外丛状层之前,和节细胞各有一次和增殖相关的阳性表达。3个细胞层在形态学的分化基本完成后,又出现了一次结束时间是由外向内变化的阳性过程(外核层:第11天至15天:内核层:第8天至16天,神经节细胞层: 16天到21天,这一次阳性表达过程可见到细胞形态向成年形态的转化。

Methods Adopting electrophysiological methods,the extracellular discharge signals of neuronic action in NTS were recorded with glass microelectrodes. The effects of acupuncture at "Zusanli"(ST 36),"Neiguan"(PC 6),"Zhongwan"(CV 12),"Qihai"(CV 6) on discharges of NTS neurons and intra-gastric pressure were observed in the rat at normal physiological state,and increase or reduction of gastric motility.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
