英语人>网络例句>神经内的 相关的搜索结果


与 神经内的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The interactions between the activities of neurones in central amygdaloid nucleus and nucleus tractus solitarii, and the effect of dexamethasone microinjected into CeA on cardiovascular response to NA/NPY administrated into NTS were observed.

运用电生理学技术和心血管实验,观察了中央杏仁核神经元与孤束核神经元活动之间的相互作用,以及在CeA 内注射地塞米松对NTS内去甲肾上腺素/神经肽Y诱导的心血管效应的影响。

Chlamys farreri is a primary mollusc in evolution that a large number of NOS positive nerve cells must be located in the tissues of peripheral organs. The NOS in nervous system of scallop may play an important role in its nerve conduction and immune regulation.


According to the inner product feature of sample space this paper takes the differential of fast changing parameters into input samples and puts forward a new neural network not to require to iterate learn, taking it for example recording data of the record system of a type of aeroengine and taking out identification to it.


Recently, it is proved that SP is also involved in pain modulation, acupuncture analgesia and immunoin- hibition. However, the role of CGRP in them is unclear Therefore, the dy- namic changes of CGRP-, SP-like immunoreactivity and expression ofα- CGRP,β-CGRP mRNAs in dorsal root ganglion and spinal cord in the arthritic rats were observed by using immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization techniques combined with behavioral tests, respectively. Subsequently, the effects of this peoptide on the develoment of polyarthritis were investigated by intrthecal injections of CGRP and its antagonist in the rats. In addtion, GAL is a novel neuropeptide which coexists with CGRP and SP, but it may play a different role in the primary sensory system. Thus, we also observed the changes of GAL and GAL mRNA in DRG neurons and the spinal cord. The results were as follows

为此本文拟在大鼠佐剂性关节炎模型上,结合行为学测定、用免疫组织化学、原位核酸分子杂交技术观察脊髓背角及DRG中CGRP、SP、α-CGRP mRNA、β-CGRPmRNA的动态变化及电针的影响,此外,用鞘内和外周注射CGRP的工具药探讨了CGRP在佐剂性关节炎发生发展中的可能作用;甘丙肽(Galanin,GAL)也是新近发现的一个神经肽,并与CGRP和SP共存于DRG及初级传入末梢中,在神经损伤模型中脊髓CGRP、SP减少,GAL则明显增加,显示GAL与CGRP和SP的作用可能不同,因此在佐剂性关节炎模型上也同时观察了GAL和GAL mRNA的变化,实验结果如下

Bladder contraction was very quickly initiated by trains of stimuli(1 000 mV,10 Hz,2 s)of the right L5 dorsal root and bladder pressures increased rapidly to 65%of normal, and bladder contraction induced by knocking the right patellar ligament was increased to 51%of normal through the new reflex arc in 4 canines after 6 months of operation.


The somatic motor axons can be regenerated into the parasympathetic endoneurial tubes of autonomic nerve.Using the survived somatic reflex under the horizon of spinal cord injury to reconstruct the bladder autonomic reflex arc by intradural microanastomosis of ventral root is practical in the canine model and may have a potential of clinical application.


Comclusion: transpetrous presigmoid retrolabrinth approach was rational approach for surgery on petroclivus and -4- CPA; it抯 important for accomplish the surgery to study and master the anatomy and variance of this approach; there was relative anatomical relationship among those structure on posterior of petrous bone; AAMP was the extracranial mark of inflexion of TS and SS; LAM and PSC were obvious bone marks for operation; we can confirm the abraded range of petrous bone lean upon LAM and/or GSS beside abrading step by step as literature, and it抯 unnecessary and unrational to emphasize to show PSC if the surgical space was enough; preceding sigmoid sinus and high jugular bulb often appeared at right and would bring disadvantage effect; interspace ,between CN V and CNVII or CNVII and CNJXI, were available to reach clivus and manage the mass on the range.

经SS前迷路后入路是处理岩斜坡区、桥小脑角区病变理想的手术入路;研究和熟悉手术入路中的解剖结构及部分变异对指导手术十分必要;岩骨内测面的骨性结构之间有着相对稳定的空间关系;顶乳缝前角是SS和TS转接处在颅外的标志;IAM和PSC等结构可以作为手术中的重要骨性标志;以PSC确定岩骨的磨除范围是较安全和可靠的,但亦可以结合影像检查,以内耳道和乙状窦前缘为基点判定切除范围,如果操作空间足够,过分强调磨出半规管是不适当的;右侧GSS的宽度和深度较对侧大,SS前置和颈静脉球高位较对侧多见,这些都对右侧入路有不利的影响,但仍可以进行手术操作;三叉神经和面神经间隙及面l 神经和舌咽神经间隙方便到达斜坡并处理病变。l

Cells in EGL are generated after birth. In contrast Purkinje neurons are born before birth, which receive main innervations of climbing fibers from the inferior olivary nucleus and parallel fibers from the internal granule cells.


Serveral surgical techniques have been employed in the treatment of glottic incompetence caused by unilateral vocal fold paralysis. These include intracordal Teflon injection, thyroplasty, arytenoids adduction and nerve reinnervation. Both Teflon injection and thyroplasty are popular.


Emetics irritate the increase of Fos positive neurons in relevant regions in the brain of rat, which suggests that there exist relevant neural chemical pathways similar to nausea in the brain of non-vomiting rats.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
