英语人>网络例句>神经内的 相关的搜索结果


与 神经内的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The activation of NRM neurons by electroaeupuncture was eliminated after decerebration at superior colliculus level, indicating that this effect of EA depends mainly on the supra-midbrain structure. Furthermore, all treatments including AR isolation, disconnection of #beta#-endorphinergic tract and micrpinjection of naloxone or anti-#beta#-endorphin serum into PAG, would make the effect of EA disappear. Thus, it is the #beta#-endorphinergic pathway between AR and PAG-NRM system that mediates the major excitatory effect of EA on NRM.

检验AR至 PAG-NRM的神经通路在电针效应中的作用:实验显示上丘水平去大脑后,电针兴奋NRM的效应完全消失,表明此效应主要依赖中脑以上结构实现,进一步分别用Halfisz氏刀游离AR、切断AR至PAG的β-End能束、PAG内注射纳洛酮或抗β-End血清后,也使电针效应基本上完全消失,说明电针使NRM神经元兴奋的效应,主要通过AR与PAG-NRM间的β-End能神经通路实现。

Methods and Materials:Sixteen healthy young college students without requiring medical service for lower limb due to injury in past 6 months accept 8 weeks plyometric exercise training. Using nerve conduction velocity test, surface electromyography, isometric dynamometer, electrogoniometer and ultrasonography to detect the change of (1)muscle activation level.(2)number of α-motorneuron.(3)nerve conduction velocity. And the mechanical properties of muscle-tendon complex are including (1)fascicle length.(2)fascicle angle.(3)fascicle curvature in muscle(4)muscle composition and (1)stiffness (2)hysterisis in tendon and electromechanical delay are also analysis.


The experimental results showed that the efficency of the intraparenchymatous transplantation was better than that of the intraventricular transplantation.


Familiar location of trauma is shaft of tibia and fibula, shaft of thigh, shaft of ulna and ridius, ankle and foot, chest, knee, coax, pelvis, wrist and hand, shoulder, skull, shoulder bone, spine and elbow in turn. The familiar complication and accompanying trauma is shock, trauma of skull and brain, trauma of chest, trauma of nerve and vessel , fat embolism, trauma of organ in abdomen and trauma of urine system. 3. Emphasizing the treatment before and after the hospital can decrease the mortality and improve the quality of treatment. 4 The effect of early treatment is better than delayed treatment , internal fixation is done in 72h is better than after 72h, which can improve the function and reduce the complication menacing life.


Although classic neuroimaging features of RPLS with involvement of the posterior head regions are easily recognized, features that may generally be regarded as atypical were often present in our patients, such as significant anterior involvement, cortical lesions, recurrent RPLS episodes, foci of permanent injury, hemorrhage into lesions, and unilaterality (Figure 1). High signal intensity on T2-weighted image lesions can occur in regions other than the parieto-occipital areas, frequently involving the frontal lobes, basal ganglia, thalami, or brainstem.


It was noticed that Majority (13/25) of C DRG cells and minority of A DRG cells were depolarized by bath application of morphine at the dose of 0.1mmol/L.


Fig.3 The anterogradely labeled thinner nerve fibers and their teminals which surround the perikarya of the ganglion cells and form dense "baskets".

图3 大鼠翼腭神经节内,顺行追踪的较细的阳性神经纤维及其终末可包绕神经节细胞,形成致密的篮状×330

Fig.3 The anterogradely labeled thinner nerve fibers and their teminals which surround the perikarya of the ganglion cells and form dense "baskets".


Fig.3 The anterogradely labeled thinner nerve fibers and their teminals which surround the perikarya of the ganglion cells and form dense "baskets".


Results The length between posterior superior iliac spine and greater trochanter of femur was (15.2±1.35) cm for man and (11.5±0.72) cm for woman; the length between posterior superior iliac spine and ischial tuberosity was (13.3±0.87) cm in man and (10.3±0.49) cm in woman; the length between greater trochanter of femur and ischial tuberosity was (8.3±0.83) cm in man and (5.5±0.61) cm in woman; the surface projection where the superior gluteal artery, superior gluteal veins and superior gluteal nerve permeate the suprapitiform foramen was below the point 0~6.8 mm between 2/5 superior and middle trunk from posterior superior iliac spine to greater trochanter of femur; the surface projection where the inferior gluteal artery, inferior gluteal veins and inferior gluteal nerve permeate the infrapiriform foramen was at the point between 2/5 inferior and middle trunk from posterior superior iliac spine to ischial tuberosity; the surface projection where sciatic nerve permeate the infrapiriform foramen was at the point between 3/5 lateral and middle trunk from ischial tuberosity to greater trochanter of femur.

结果臀三角各边的长度分别为:髂后上棘转子间距,男(15.2±1.35) cm,女(11.5±0.72) cm;髂后上棘结节间距,男(13.3±0.87) cm,女(10.3±0.49) cm;转子结节间距,男(8.3±0.83) cm,女(5.5±0.61) cm。臀上动脉、静脉、神经出入梨状肌上孔的体表投影在髂后上棘与大转子连线中、上2/5交界处向下0~6.8 mm内;臀下动脉、静脉、神经出入梨状肌下孔处的体表投影在髂后上棘与坐骨结节连线中、下2/5处;坐骨神经出梨状肌下孔处的体表投影在坐骨结节与大转子连线中外3/5处。

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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
