英语人>网络例句>神经内的 相关的搜索结果


与 神经内的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"In some damaged brains, like after a stroke, there is no neurogenesis," he says.


Methods A concept of compartmental localization of heel, including the low area, posterior area, upper area, medial area and lateral area was considered on the base of anatomy, and the difference of soft tissue deepth, compression resistance, confiction resistance, according to which the feeling function was reconstructed by the flaps based on vessel and nerve, or by the flaps based on vessel with nerve anastomasis.


In NBS, lesions therefore appear secondary to the small vessel vasculitis, and the anatomy of those intraaxial venous structures explains the dominant involvement of the upper brain stem and diencephalic structures.


Five patterns of perineural invasion were observed and 3 nerve plexuses in the hepatoduodenal ligament and Glisson sheath were found.


Results MRI appearances of acoustic neuromas were:(1)The turmor's growth round the internal auditory canal,the Ⅶ,Ⅷ nerves affected side were thickened than that of opposite side.There was no marked demarcation between the main bodies of the tumors and the affected nerves.The connection between tumors and affected nerves could be showed at contrast enhanced imaging.(2)The tumors were of hypo or isohypo intensity on T1 weighted images and hyper or iso hyper intensity on T2 weighted images.(3)After Gd DTPA administration the tumors were homogeneously or inhomogeneously or circularly enhanced.(4)The margins of the tumors were smooth and well delineated.(5)The affected internal auditory canal usually became shorter in depth and larger in posterior anterior diameter.(6)MRI appearances of micro acoustic neuromas were that the affected Ⅶ,Ⅷ nerves were normal in size or nodularly thickened and the tumor reveaed nodular or point enhancement at contrast enhanced MRI.

结果 听神经瘤的MRI表现主要为:(1)肿瘤以内听道为中心生长,第Ⅶ、Ⅷ神经束较对侧增粗,与肿瘤主体多无明确分界,增强后可见两者相连,颇为特征;(2)肿瘤在T1加权图像上呈低信号、略低信号或低等混合信号,T2加权呈高信号或高等混合信号;(3)注射Gd DTPA后肿瘤呈均匀、不均匀或环状强化;(4)肿瘤边界清晰,边缘光整;(5)绝大多数肿瘤患侧内听道前后径扩大,深径缩短;(6)微小听神经瘤的MRI表现为第Ⅶ、Ⅷ神经束正常或局部结状增粗,造影后呈结节状或点状增强。

In particular,peripheral contrast enhancement with separations of an intradural extramedullaty tumor on MRI will suggest the diagnosis of schwannoma.


Besides neurokinins, recently we found that the dominant opioid receptor, delta subtype, was existed in renal pelvis and intrapelvic activation of DOR resulted dose-dependent increases in ANRA, suggested that DOR plays a role in regulating renal sensory response.

除了神经激肽受体之外,本实验室最近也发现类鸦片受体在肾盂表现并且其中以delta亚型的类鸦片受体(delta-opioid receptor, DOR)为主,活化肾盂内DOR可够剂量依存性地增加传入性肾神经的活性,所以DOR可调控肾脏感觉功能。

Methods:①Conducted time,amplitude and NCV of motor evoked potentials at ulnar nerves 5 cm above and below the elbow(total 10 cm)were detected in 42 patients with CuTS in the early stage,and the results were compared with those of 30 healthy persons as the control,to locate the actual wedge position;②To measure the orthodromic nerves sensory conduc- tion velocityof ulnar ne...


Result: Schwann-like cells disperse in the hole of nerve graft at oneweek under Scanning Electronic Microscope, the processes of thesatellite-like cells adhere to the wall of graft.There was no statisticaldifference of activity of cells in both group(P>0.05) using MTT. At 12weeks,the result of appearance, histology and TEM were similar, therewere no statistical difference in SFI%, NEP and quantitative analysis ofrecovery rate of myelinated fiber populations, diameter of myelinatedfiber and thickness of myelin sheat.


The opioid receptor agonist at the supraspinal site failed to alter the pelvic nerve activity suggest that supraspinal endogenous opioid system does not act directly on the sacral preganglionic neurons, but indirectly through descending fibers on the interneuron at the level of afferent inputs in the sacral spinal cord.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
