英语人>网络例句>神经内的 相关的搜索结果


与 神经内的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The effective stimulating sites were indentified by defensive cardiovascular response and other components of defence reaction evoked by 3 s trains of rectangular cathodal pulses (100Hz, 0.5ms pulse duration, 70 -150μA intensity for dPAG and 150-250μA for PF) delivered from a programmed multichannel constant current stimulator. The responses included an increase in blood pressure and heart rate, pupillodilation and an increase in the rate and depth of respiration. Currents of 1Hz, intensity of 100- 150μA for dPAG and 200-250μA for PF were used to observe the effect of the stimulation of them on RVLM neurones. The deep peroneal nerve and superfacial deep peroneal nerve were carefully separated, and put on a pair of stimulating electrode respectively, Both nerves were stimulated with constant rectangular pulses of 1Hz, 0.5ms duration and 300μA current intensity to see their effects on RVLM neurones. The baro-and chemo-receptors were activated by the intravenous injection of phenylephrine or 0.208 M NaH2PO4. The degree of convergent inputs to individual RVLM neurone was studied by the stimulation of the sites mentioned above. It was found that neurones about 61.4%(27/44) and 35.3%(6/17) received convergent inputs from three and four places respectively.


Methylene blue-basic magenta staining and electron microscopy Regenerating nerve were arranged in bundles in group A and B, there were minifascicle formation and a large amount of proliferated collagen in between the minifascicled, no cicatrices form, regenerating vasa spread randomly, electron microscopy show a large number of myelinated and unmyelinated fiber arranged in buddies.


Continence nerves of female urethra contained the branches of pelvic nerve, intrapelvic and extrapelvic branches of pudendal nerve.


METHODS: The spiral modiolar artery in guinea pig cochlea was exposed by microsurgery, then the fluorogold or horseradish peroxidase was given around the SMA for retrograde tracing.


Methods: the spiral modiolar artery in guinea pig cochlea was exposed by microsurgery, then the fluorogold or horseradish peroxidase was given around the sma for retrograde tracing. the bilateral superior cervical ganglia and stellate ganglia were observed to find retrogradely labeled neurons. the neurotransmitters of these sympathetic fibers around sma were ascertained by using retrograde tracing combined with immunohistochemical double labeled technique.


The result showed that, the body wall most outer layer cuticle assumesthe translucent porodine, the surrounding entire body wall; Close isconnected with the cuticle 表皮层 for 合胞体 the structure, inthe back, the abdomen and its two sides separately adds thick to inprominent Cheng Jizhuang, separately contains the back side,腹侧the nerve and compares to the developed back, the abdomen nerve; Themyo- position to the body wall most inner layer, has the muscle cellto arrange becomes; Between the body wall and the digestive tractcavity is a body cavity; Digestive tract for 肌质 structure, afterinference for roundworm's esophagus.


Results 5 cases of ependymocytoma, 3 cases of astrocytoma, 1 medulloblastoma hemangioblastoma in 10 cases of intra-medullary tumor; 36 cases of neurogenic tumor, 11 cases of spinal meningioma in 47 cases of subdural extramedullary tumor; 2 cases of neurogenic tumor strided over scleromeninx;2 cases of extradural metastatic tumor, 1 cestodiasis, 2 cases of epidural hematoma, which were mistaken for hemangioma before surgical operation and 1 vascular malformation in 4 cases of intraspinal nontumorous occupying lesion.


Several investigators have determined that placing the electrode parallel rather than perpendicular to the target nerve substantially increases the size of the lesion, thereby reducing the likelihood the treatment will miss or only partially coagulate the target nerve.234,235 After a literature review and cadaveric study, Lau et al.234 concluded the ideal electrode position is across the lateral neck of the superior articular process rather than the groove formed at the angle of the superior articular and transverse processes, as was used in most studies.159,160Other investigators have found the maximal lesion size to be reached within 60 s of lesion time,235–237 independent of whether the system is temperature or voltage controlled.238 Studies conducted in human myocardium have determined that irrigation fluid has either no effect or a slightly beneficial effect on lesion size.239 Hence, the use of LA to prevent procedure-related pain or steroid to reduce the incidence of neuritis184 should theoretically have no adverse effects on the efficacy of radiofrequency denervation.


Methods: Dorsal root ganglions were derived from the chick embryo and dispersed into single neuron cell,The rhCNTF was added to neuron cells and incubated for 64 hours,The activity of acid phosphatase in neuron cells was determined and the biological activity of rhCNTF was analyzed quantificationally.


When the effect ofNTP was examined after depletion of monoamines in the spinalcord by intrathecal neurotoxins, the antiallodynic and antihyperalgesiceffects were still observed after serotonergic denervation,but not after noradrenergic denervation.

鞘内给予神经毒素耗竭脊髓单胺递质后检查 NTP 的作用时,去除5羟色胺能神经支配后 NTP 的抗触觉性痛感和抗痛觉过敏作用仍然存在,但是去除去甲肾上腺素能神经支配后则消失。

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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
