英语人>网络例句>神经内的 相关的搜索结果


与 神经内的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Segment ulnar nerve conduction studies showed that most of the lesions were located above or below the medial epicondyle 2-3cm.③ Abnormal flexor carpi ulnaris muscle electromyography was not found involved in ulnar neuropathy at the elbow. Conclusion Short??

结果 ①尺神经病变组中有19例出现尺神经在肘上至肘下段运动神经传导速度减慢;②尺神经肘上至肘下段短节段性神经传导检测结果显示具体病变部位多数集中在肱骨内上髁上下2-3cm内;③尺神经在肘部病变者并非均有尺侧腕屈肌肌电图的异常。

Results ① Nineteen patients were found ulnar motor nerve conduction slowing across the elbow.② Shortsegment ulnar nerve conduction studies showed that most of the lesions were located above or below the medial epicondyle 2-3cm.③ Abnormal flexor carpi ulnaris muscle electromyography was not found involved in ulnar neuropathy at the elbow.

结果 ①尺神经病变组中有19例出现尺神经在肘上至肘下段运动神经传导速度减慢;②尺神经肘上至肘下段短节段性神经传导检测结果显示具体病变部位多数集中在肱骨内上髁上下2-3cm内;③尺神经在肘部病变者并非均有尺侧腕屈肌肌电图的异常。

In the end-to-side group, the cutaneous antebrachii medialis nerve was transected, then an 1 mm epineural window was created on the ulnar nerve. Distal end of CAM nerve was sutured to the windowed ulnar nerve by means of end-to-side neurorrhaphy. In the normal control group, CAM and ulnar nerves were exposed. One year post-operatively, evaluations including acetylcholinesterase stain and retrograde Fluoro-Gold neuron tracing were conducted.


Results showed that after injection of HRP into medial recteus subnucleus of oculomotor nucleus,HRP labelled cells were found in contralateral abducens nucleus and also in vestibular nucleus and pontine ...


In the four placebo-controlled studies evaluating radiofrequency denervation outcomes in patients with "confirmed"l-z joint pain, the only study that screened patients with MBB demonstrated positive outcomes,157versus only one of three that used diagnostic intraarticularin jections.158–160 Ultrasound-guided medial branchand intraarticular blocks have also been demonstrated to provide comparable accuracy to fluoroscopically guided injections, although they may be less likely to detect low-volume intravascular uptake and are less accurate in obese patients.161–164 Because MBB are technically easier to perform than intraarticular injections and involve anesthetization of the nerves to be lesioned, it seems more logical to use these blocks as a prognostic tool before radiofrequency denervation.


The pelvic nerve of inferior hypogastric plexus originated from the most caudal root of the pelvic splanchnic nerve, running along the surface of the levator ani and passing laterally around the vagina and rectum to enter the sphincter musculature at the 5-o'clock and 7-o'clock positions. 7l.4% of specimens were found intrapelvic branches which were given by pudendal nerve. Before leaving the pudendal canal, pudendal nerve gave an intrapelvic branch that passed the levator ani and accompanied with pelvic nerve to innervate the sphincter when it approached the sphincter. The distance between these intrapelvic branches and the level of the bladder neck was about (12.6±1.6)mm.


Results There was a similar distributive pattern of Neul, PPCA and β-gal in the inner ear. Neul intense staining was observed in the cochlear spiral ganglion cells, spiral limbus, spiral ligament, vestibular ganglion cells, cristae, maculae hair cells, and weak staining in inner hair cells, outer hair cells, supplying cells of the organ of Corti and stria vascularis. The intense staining of PPCA and β-gal were observed in the spiral ganglion and vestibular ganglion cells, and weak staining in the spiral limbus, spiral ligament, stria vascularis and organ of Corti. The inner ear exhibited no staining when Neul, PPCA and β-gal were deficient, respectively.


Coal load in ball tube of pulverizing system is affected by many factors, this paper analyzes these factors and their relations.


Two patients appeared the symptoms of lowering of consciousness 、alalia after 10 minutes of angioplasty and stenting. Acute thrombosis was detected in the stent by the DSA instently and then used the contact thrombolysis in the stent by the microcatheter. There was not postoperative neurologic impairment in the six month.


The rate of enteric transit was measured, and the histological changes in nitriergic nerves in intestinal myenteric plexus of scalded rat were observed as well. The densities of neurons and ganglions with positive nitric oxide synthetase as well as ICC in duodenal myenteric plexus were assessed for both groups.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
