英语人>网络例句>神经内的 相关的搜索结果


与 神经内的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The contact modal of turbine disk and blade rabbet is made aiming at the high reliability. The 3D heat-structure coupling modal is computed by ANSYS and the dangerous position is confirmed. The 15 scattering point of strain breadth is computed by APDL language of center-composition in probability design mold. The teacher signal is intervened referring to the points.


According to yoga ,the pranamaya kosha forms the fine network through which prana flows.it is known as the pranic,etheric or bioplasmic bldy.this energy body is said to have the same shape as the physical body.however,through certain yogic techniques,concentration and visualization,te practioner is able to make it expand and contract ,especially through the technique of prana vidya.if our perception was finely attuned to the pranic body ,we would see a body of light in which there are thousands of delicate ,wire like structures conducting shakti or energy.these wire-like structures are the nadis or energy flows.the shiva samhita says that altogether there are 350,000 nadis in the body ,the prapanchasara tantra says 300,000 and the Goraksha sartaka says 72,000.there are thousands upon thousands of nadis within the substructure of the gross bosy and they distribute consciousness and prana to every atom.

根据瑜伽中说的,能量的混合形成网络,促成能量流的形成。能量、空的属性被称为是植物性神经属性的身体。能量和肉体的身体是同样的容积的。全,通过练习某些瑜伽技巧,特别是通过某些独特的呼吸方法,集中和内观,那么练习者就能够让扩大收缩强能量。如果我们能够更好的掌控能量的身体,我们就能够看见成千上万个微妙的、线状结构的光芒掌握着能量。那么SHIVA SAMHITA说在身体中总共有350,000个通道。THE PRAPANCHASARA TANTRA 说有300,000个,TEH GORAKSHA SARTAKA说有72,000个,总而言之,意识和能量就是通过这些成千上万的通道被分送到身体的每一个细胞的。

Lumbar segmental instability is defined as a decrease in the capacity of the stabilizing system of the spine of maintaining the spinal neutral zone within physiological limits, so that there are neurological deficit, majo deformity and incapacitating pain


To avoid the collision accidents of ships at sea, with the universalizing and application of computer, and the development and maturity of the technology of Expert System and Artificial Intelligent, this paper developed an intelligent collision avoidance expert system for navigation. The main research work centers on several aspects, which will be represented as below:By the navigation rules" understanding and analyzing, and by the navigation experience and navigation samples" collecting and trimming, we put forth and build a multi-unit and layering KB systematic structure, and implement the KBM. According to features of different knowledge, we adopt multifarious KR, such as: frame KR, production rule KR, procedure KR. We also build a multi-inference system, which based on analog inference, forward illation inference, conversion inference and meta-rule inference. At the same time, we develop each reasoning algorithm. For some problems in collision avoidance region during the building of the expert system, we put forth and build a set of models to solve them using neural network technology.


Learning and memory is one of the most important functions of brain, it is the process for brain to establish the nerve representations to the outer world.


Results 1、Results of gross anatomy Through the gross anatomy study of calfs and clinical common used muscular flaps, we discover that some muscles can be divided into several parts.


Of the above-mentioned immune molecules, microglia labelled with OX-42 or ED-1 were increased in their populations and staining intensity in LTA-treated rats than those in saline-treated ones. It is also true for OX-42 or ED-1 labelled macrophages in the meninges and the choroids plexuses.


Using immuno-histochemical, tissue cultural and immuno-electron microscopic methods, based on nerve-endocrine-immune net, the dynamic changes of 4 brain-gut peptides and 6 inflammation factors of excised saccalus rotunds of rabbit stimulated by germs, LPS, exotoxin were observed.


These data indicate that the integrated responses to impulses from the nuclei of brain and somatic nerves also depended upon the nature of impulses and the arrival time of them, which may be the regular pattern of RVLM neurones to integrate much more information.


The time-history velocity response signal of pile can be decomposed by Sym wavelet. The power spectrum value can be extracted from some specified spectrum range. These values from one signal makes up the characteristic vector representing this signal. The relationship between characteristic vector of pile and pile defect type can he established by using BP artificial neural network. Abundant time-history velocity response signals of pile can be acquired by numerical simulation method.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
