英语人>网络例句>神经内的 相关的搜索结果


与 神经内的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The proximal and distal nerve stumps were sutured l cm apart, in an end-to-side fashion like "π", to the epneurium windows, opened by removing the epineural sheath on the intact tibial nerve trunk with 1 mm long.


The notable proliferation was not observed by eyes in the local of injection. The infiltration of inflammation cells and mild proliferation of fibrocyte around dura mater was observed by HE stained in 4 and 8 weeks after injection. Infiltration and exudation of inflammation cells was observed by HE stained in epidural nerve root. Compared with group A, no changes of group B, C and D were observed under specific stained. Proliferation of type Ⅱ collagen fibers around dura mater was seen under immunohistochemical stained in 4 and 8 weeks after injection. There is no significant demyelination changes under LFB stained. The thickness and shape of the myelin sheath in epidural nerve root was not regular under transmission electronic microscopy in 4 and 8 weeks after injection. Fibroblast was also seen there. In nerve endometrium, macrophage could be seen under TEM, myelinated nerve fiber changed significantly, but nonmyelinated nerve fiber changed mildly. When 8 weeks, the changes of group D is smaller than the group B and C.


For the data set with noises, a regularization intropolation method is proposed according to regularization theory. The relation between the regularization intropolation method and radial basis function method is analysed and structure of regularization neural networks is proposed. RBF neural network is introduced by mortifying the regularization neural networks. Finally the approximation capacity of RBF neural networks is analysed. 4. A method of selecting the centers of hidden layer neurons of RBF neural networks is proposed.


The neurohypophysis shown here resembles neural tissue, with glial cells, nerve fibers, nerve endings, and intra-axonal neurosecretory granules.


The results indicate that the longitudinal nerve fibers in cerebral ganglia and a few of small cells in the surface layer of cerebral ganglia present NOS positive reaction. Abundant NOS positive small cells are in the surface layer of pedal ganglia, and abundant transverse positive nerve fibers in the center of pedal ganglia. A large number of transverse positive nerve fibers are in the center of visceral ganglia; abundant positive small cells and nerve fibers are in two anterior lobes; a few of positive small cells and many encircled positive nerve fibers are in the posterior lobe; a large number of radiate positive nerve fibers are in the lateral lobes.


The epineurial vessels run along the nerves length and gave off branches, distributing along nerve bundle, to enter into endoneurium. The endoneurium contained only capillaries. Arteriolovenular anastomoses were few in trigeminal nerve root. The distribution of microvessels in trigeminal nerve root was uneven. The number of microvessels in the medial portion was less than that of the distant.


We observed the changes of the proprioceptors in the partly injuried ACL and the xenogeneic graft/artificial graft being used to reconstructing the injuried ACL with gold chlorid staining method and laser copolymerization electron micrography method to observe the morphological changes of the neuromechanism in the ligament tissue,with RT-PCR method to evaluate the proportion and the regeneration of the nerve component and with HRP retrograde tracking technology and electrophysiologic study to judge the functional changes of the neuromechanism in the ligament tissue,respectively.

本研究分别制作兔ACL部分损伤动物模型、异种肌腱移植物重建损伤ACL动物模型和LARS人工韧带重建损伤ACL动物模型,分别于术后不同时间点对损伤ACL/移植物进行氯化金染色光学显微镜检查和PGP9.5免疫荧光染色后激光共聚焦电子显微镜检查观察韧带内神经结构形态学变化,用RT-PCR法检测韧带中GAP-43和PGP 9.5的mRNA表达情况以评价损伤ACL/移植物内神经成分比例及神经再生情况,通过HRP逆行追踪技术和电生理检查(包括体感诱发电位和腘绳肌肌电图)评价损伤ACL/移植物内神经结构的功能情况。

Positive nerve fibers are in pedal nerve cords and visceral nerve cords. There are no neuronal nitric oxide synthase or inducible nitric oxide synthase positive cells or fibers in the nervous system. A few of endothelial nitric oxide synthase strongly positive nerve cells are identified in pedal ganglia and visceral ganglia. Weakly positive cells and nerve fibers of eNOS can be seen in all of the ganglia and nerve cords.


No difference was seen between sexes. The projection of medial, lateral artery, nerves and the plantar artery arch, nervous arch were determined. It provides morphological information for clinical doctors to determine the neurovascular position and to anaesthetic the nerves of plantar for local operation.


Results: Scans of 3D-FIESTA sequence combined with post-procession could precisely show labyrinth, nerves and vessels in inner ear and internal auditory canal, as well as the relationship between nerves and vessels around. As to the ability to evaluate nerves in IAC, MPR and VE was superior to MIP; As to the ability to display semicircularesin and cochlea, MIP was the same as double oblique MPR; It was important for VE and oblique sagittal MPR to display the position of foramina nervosa of IAC.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
