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与 神秘力 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It was by using anima that Besant and Leadbeater could observe atoms and write Occult Chemistry.


One day in 1945, a mystery birl baby appeared in the orphanage in Carifronc. No one knew who her parents were and where she came from.


Rather than employing mystic animist themes from ancient times or demonic, repulsive getups intended to give people a scare, Cologne Carnival costumes are typically on the comic side, revelers sporting all manner of clownish outfits, perhaps including raggedy sewn-on patches, over-sized suspender-held trousers and clumsy bulbous-toed shoes, plus a variety of wigs, noses, and hilarious makeup jobs, most satisfactorily topped off, of course, with conical or otherwise outlandish headgear.


Among many artists that consider mysterious subject as style of expression, Cao Li boasts his own unique style that is narrating sober mystery and realistic dreamworld.


It's no myth, though it is what physicists call a "fictitious force."


They shout and gesticulate tremendously but cannot agree, and Rodrigo is about to bear away the exhausted Zara, when the timid servant enters with a letter and a bag from Hagar, who has mysteriously disappeared.


He arranged his students in a line. Mahui was to boost the heat of the existing stone while Kagu took on the responsibility of splitting it into two separate spheres. Gibil would then psychokinetically move one of the cloned fireballs to Chantico, who would weave the fire stone incantation. Ikez, Teteo and Gabija would do the same. Nanni's pyrokinetic potential was not as great as the others', but he compensated in arcane intuition.


Attempts are made to try and reconcile the systems with each other, and notably there are some successes, even between such diverged traditions as Shakta Tantra, Sufism and Kabbalism, where chakras , lataif and Sephiroth can seemingly represent the same archetypal spiritual concepts.

努力使体系彼此和谐统一,有一些明显的成功,甚至是有分歧的性力派教徒密教哲学传统、苏非派禁欲神秘主义和卡巴拉学之间,在这些体系中的脉轮,lataif and Sephiroth表面上可以代表灵魂概念上同样的原型。

A number of distinct and independent branches developed, so that one can speak of Mahayana Buddhist tantrism (Tibetan Vajrayana,"adamantine vehicle", and Japanese Shingon "Mantra teaching") Shaivite tantrism (in Kashmir, emphasising the monistic Vedantic perspective), Natha tantrism (a hybrid Shaivite yogic movement), Shakta tantra (in Bengal, emphasising the chakras, kundalini,and occult practices), cosmological tantrism, Jain tantrism, and evenVaishvana tantrism (among devotees of Vishnu and Krishna).


She herself had no pretension to found a school in the accepted sense of the term, and there is no vestige in her writings of any influence of the Areopagite, the Patristic, or the Scholastic Mystical schools, as represented among others, by the German Dominican Mystics.

她却没有预紧力,以发现,一所学校里公认的意义上来说,并没有痕迹,在她的著作的任何影响力的areopagite ,教父,或在学术上的神秘学校,作为代表等,由德国多米尼加神秘主义者。

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But the fiscal cupboard -- while not bare -- is less well-stocked.


In addition, periodic reports of alcoholic liquor is still a false statement in the amount of monetary funds.


The research results show that, the relative error of the area and deflection angle of AVEN is less than 1% after compensation.
