英语人>网络例句>神秘 相关的搜索结果


与 神秘 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Both his expressions and moves were rough, but they were so *y and mysteriously graceful as if they were the dace perfectly composed.


Despite his impact, Danton is enigmatic: his appalling penmanship meant he wrote practically nothing.


At the dark continent's center was a mysterious lake of incandescent energies.


At the dark continent's center was a mysterious lake of incandescent energies. This lake came to be known as the Well of Eternity.


It was long shrouded in mystery, called" the Dark continent" by Europeans in awe of its massive size and impenetrable depths.


Heart of Darkness is full of depictions of Africa as a savage and dark continent. Subject to the social conditions, Conrad stereotyped Africa as a primitive stage of human history and the African culture was separated from European culture. Africa is regarded as "Other".


Some old tale had been told to me of golden domes, and I had seen them in a darkling picture, had I not?


The times, to their eyes, must have been out of joint, and to the common folk must have seemed as insoluble and complicated as do ours today. It is not hard to see how easily many could have been led to believe that the time of confusion had been brought upon them by deep and darkling forces. No hint of such speculation appears on the court record, but social disorder in any age breeds such mystical suspicions, and when, as in Salem, wonders are brought forth from below the social surface, it is too much to expect people to hold back very long from laying on the victims with all the force of their frustrations.


In that darkling calm my senses seemed preternaturally sharpened. I fancied I could even feel the hollowness of the ground beneath my feet: could, indeed, almost see through it the Morlocks on their ant-hill going hither and thither and waiting for the dark.


How that plant survived Daryl didn' t know; it was an edifice of the mystery of nature.


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The crews were able to travel to all corners of China to capture the stunning variety of landscapes and also to feature traditional ways of life, often closely in tune with nature, that are disappearing fast as China modernises.


Construction of 2 beaches hydroelectric station is on river of elegant rice huller.


Do you think the hygeian status affects your healthy a lot in your life?
