英语人>网络例句>神秘 相关的搜索结果


与 神秘 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Chinoiserie - the distinctive taste for decoration and architecture based on Chinese design - has its origins in the age-old fantasy of 'Cathay', the mysterious land of the East.

chinoiserie -独特的品味,为装修和建筑的基础上,中国的设计-有其起源于历史悠久的幻想'国泰',神秘的土地,东。

Justin企业,旗下品牌包含Justin、Tony Lama、Nocona及Chippewa,同时他们也是德州以及邻近五州砖块的主要制造商. Here again, our acquisition involved serendipity. On May 4th, I received a fax from Mark Jones, a stranger to me, proposing that Berkshire join a group to acquire an unnamed company. I faxed him back, explaining that with rare exceptions we don't invest with others, but would happily pay him a commission if he sent details and we later made a purchase. He replied that the "mystery company" was Justin. I then went to Fort Worth to meet John Roach, chairman of the company and John Justin, who had built the business and was its major shareholder. Soon after, we bought Justin for $570 million in cash.

再一次我们的购并之旅充满了惊奇,5月4号我收到一位署名Mark Jones的传真,我根本就不认识这个人,他提议Berkshire可以参与购并一家不知名的公司,我回传真给他,表示除非是特例,否则我们很少跟别人一起参与投资,不过要是他肯把资料送给我们参考,事后若购并成功,我们愿意支付他一笔介绍费,他回复说这家神秘公司叫做Justin,于是我便到Fort Worth与该公司董事长-John Roach及创办人兼大股东John Justin会面,不久之后,我们顺利以5.7亿美元的现金买下Justin公司。

Above all by go up 27 days month to come this month 5 days, person of mysterious hair photograph assigns will fragmentary number piece indelicate according to pass get online, than be being illuminated to the complete edition interlink later, discovering a vicious person manipulating sb or sth from behind the scenes of this hair photograph is count Zhang Fa to go out choicely first, as the action of concerned respect response and Hong Kong police, content of go-between of photograph of general of a vicious person manipulating sb or sth from behind the scenes and content increase gradually, be full of premonitory reach admonitory flavour, then is again many exposure.


Emanuel Swedenborg was a Swedish scientist, Christian mystic, philosopher, and theologian who wrote voluminously in interpreting the Scriptures as the immediate word of God.


Mysterious Biography Christo Colombo was a hungry man, hunted himself half way round the world; he began poor, panhandled, ended in jail, Christofo so hungry, Christofo so poor, Christofo in the chilly, steel bracelets, honorable distinguished Christofo Colombo.


That he was a handsome and imposing man, a member of a romantic minority, that he played with Charlie Parker, that he spans generations, that he underwent various addictions, that he married Cicely Tyson, that he dressed well, that Jean-Luc Godard liked him, that he wore shades and was very cool, that he himself said little about his work, and so on.

知道他曾是个英俊潇洒,气势凌人的男人,浪漫与神秘的少数民族的一份子,他曾和查利帕克一起演奏过,他的魅力与功业以横跨好几个世代,他曾熬过毒瘾的浩劫,他娶了西丽泰森为妻,他对穿著很有品味,知道尚卢高达(Jean-Luc Godard )喜欢他,他经常戴著太阳眼镜而且整个人超酷的,他自己甚少提及他的工作等等。

After the successful completion of the mission, she was entrusted to a mysterious monasteries in Tibet get back with a cinnabar vases.


Despite this, she remains best known for her mysterious disappearance in 1937 during an attempt to circumnavigate the globe.


All of which circumscribe her life and position when she becomes governess to the daughter of the mysterious, sardonic and attractive Mr Rochester.


If you're in the market for some mysterious and creepy, buzz drenched melancholic blackness, both Striborg and Claustrophobia should do it for you.


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But the fiscal cupboard -- while not bare -- is less well-stocked.


In addition, periodic reports of alcoholic liquor is still a false statement in the amount of monetary funds.


The research results show that, the relative error of the area and deflection angle of AVEN is less than 1% after compensation.
