英语人>网络例句>神秘 相关的搜索结果


与 神秘 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I think the time has come to admit candidly that we cannot resolve the mystery.


The movement includes people who believe that the Maya were space travellers carrying in their luggage mystical crystal skulls - a belief cannily exploited by the creators of The X-Files: The show's last episode tells of the ultimate alien invasion which occurs you guessed it on Dec.

包括人的流动谁认为玛雅是空间旅行者,在他们的行李携带神秘水晶头骨-一种信念cannily利用的创造X档案:展会的最后一章讲述了最终的外来物种入侵,它发生时,你猜它在12月21日, 2012年。

Let's take the mystery out of low carb diets by giving you the 3 most important elements to their success.


John of the Cross was one of the leading teachers of Christian contemplation or the mystical way, as well as a founder of the Discalced Carmelite order.

约翰的十字架是一个起主导作用的教师,基督教沉思或神秘的方式,以及作为创始人之一discalced carmelite秩序。

The strange silence, broken only by the measured dip of the oar and the soft plashing of the water against your cleaving prow, and the occasional hoarsecries of the gondoliers as you pass another of these black, funeral barges; the few and feeble lamps, giving you momentary glimpses of balconies and finely carven arches; the sudden intensification of the silence and the darkness as you abruptly leave the Grand Canal and slip along one of the narrower waterways, always with tall houses on both sides of you, and above you a clear sky of stars, stars reflected tremblingly on the black waters----thousands of tourists must have tried to describe all this, but the magic and the mystery and the beauty of it defy human speech.


GuaiPo, ring, om top called "three mystery" the mystery, people want to because it with a layer of mysterious cassocks!


Still, as physicists cast about for some explanation of the mysteries of dark matter, it is inevitable that some pretty big ideas will float around.


Description : Mystery solitaire - You're a castaway on Secret Island with no way out.

描述:神秘的纸牌-您 c astaway就秘密岛与没有出路的。

Mystery solitaire - You're a castaway on Secret Island with no way out.

神秘的纸牌-您 c astaway就秘密岛与没有出路的。

He used what he says is the most sophisticated CAT scanner in the world to unveil this young woman who died 2,800 years ago.


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But the fiscal cupboard -- while not bare -- is less well-stocked.


In addition, periodic reports of alcoholic liquor is still a false statement in the amount of monetary funds.


The research results show that, the relative error of the area and deflection angle of AVEN is less than 1% after compensation.
