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与 神秘 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Like all Doctor Who spin-off media, its canonicity in relation to the television series is open to interpretation.


In the early centuries of our era, however, there gradually developed a mysticism among chemical writers due to Egyptian and Chaldean religious magical ideas, and there developed a fanciful relation of the metals as such to the sun and the planets, and as a consequence there arose the belief that it was necessary to confine the number of metals to seven.


Controversially, he suggests that genius is not a mysterious and mystical gift, but the product of a combination of environment, personality and sheer hard work.


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As we have seen, the mystique of the Party, and above all of the Inner Party, depends upon doublethink


Among many artists that consider mysterious subject as style of expression, Cao Li boasts his own unique style that is narrating sober mystery and realistic dreamworld.


He thought that our ideas of matter are quite sharply constrained by our perceptions and so concluded that the true science of matter is eternally beyond us – that we could never remove our perplexities about what solidity ultimately is.6 But it does not follow for Locke that nature is itself inherently mysterious; the felt mystery comes from our own cognitive limitations, not from any objective eeriness in the world.


In one of the more intriguing rituals of Tibetan Buddhism, a search committee of monks interprets augury, dreams and mystical symbols on remote lakes, and then dashes off on horseback to identify and enthrone a baby as the next Dalai Lama.


For consider a world in which this is not true. In this world there isrepresentations and represented objects. Let us assume instead that representations and theirobjects are only similar to each other instead. This world, though logically consistent, is not aconceivable world for the simple reason that it is not explanatorily coherent.


Guoluo Redactor; Standard mulberry website www.gesang00070.51.comoutline: Guoluo Tibetan national minority autonomous prefecture position: Located at China Qinghai-Tibet Plain center Qinghai Province southeast, east is near Gansu Province, south meets the Sichuan area: More than 78,000 square kilometers, population: 12.5 ten thousand administrative regionalizations: Governs the Maqin county, Maduo County, Gade County, Darlag County, Baima County, the Jigzhi County general picture: Guoluo terrain strange, the scenery is exquisite, has infinite scenery Zaling Lake and Ngoring Lake, the grand the Animaqing peak, the mystical magnificent year guarantees the jade, north south of Yangzi River's Baima kind jade, but also has wrapped in a shroud of obscurity Tibetan Buddhism ......... The special geographical environment, has bred the rich tourist resources.


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But the fiscal cupboard -- while not bare -- is less well-stocked.


In addition, periodic reports of alcoholic liquor is still a false statement in the amount of monetary funds.


The research results show that, the relative error of the area and deflection angle of AVEN is less than 1% after compensation.
