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与 礼拜堂 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Inside the church, an altar boy was almost finished vacuuming the communion kneelers when he heard a knocking on the sanctuary door.


St. Gaudentius, Bishop of Brescia in the beginning of the fifth century (d. about 410 or 427), received particles of the ashes of martyrs during a voyage in the East, and placed them with other relics in the altar of the basilica which he had erected, at the consecration of which he delivered a discourse, still extant (PL, XX, 959 sqq.) Near the Church of Santa Maria Antiqua, in the Roman Forum, built in the fifth century, a chapel was found, built, like the church itself, on an ancient site, and consecrated to the Forty Martyrs.

圣gaudentius主教,布雷西亚在年初五世纪(四约410或427 ),收到颗粒骨灰的烈士,在航程中在东部地区,并把他们与其他文物,在祭坛上的大教堂,其中他曾架设,在consecration这期间,他发表了话语,仍尚存(特等, XX条, 959 sqq )附近的教堂Santa Maria antiqua ,在罗马广场,建於5世纪,一个小礼拜堂被发现,建像教会本身,对一个古老的网站,以及consecrated至第四十四烈士。

Defeat the forces of the Argent Dawn and uncover the Light of Dawn.


The author was Paschase Quesnel, at first a member of the French Oratory, but expelled from that congregation for his Jansenistic opinions (1684), and since 1689 a refugee at Brussels with the aged Antoine Arnauld whom he succeeded in 1696 as leader of the party.

作者paschase quesnel ,在第一次的成员之一,法国礼拜堂,但开除认为,聚集为他jansenistic的意见( 1684年),并自1689年1难民在布鲁塞尔与arnauld岁的安托万人,他成功地在1696年,作为领导人的党。

The Jesuit temple is austere beauty. I discovered companionship in a side chapel - the familiar names of our English Jesuits engraved among the roll of martyrs: Owen, Oldcorne, Ashley, Campion, Arrowsmith.


" Baptistery:Domed hall or chapel, adjacent to or part of a church, for the administration of baptism."


Another fragment is shown in the chapel of Longinus, one of many in the basilica.


This is Chigi Chapel, Bernini finished the job begun by Raphael.


"Most of our guests either gasp or break out laughing when we show the Vegas Nights Chapel" added Beverley Southworth, Chapel Manager, but it's already a favorite for many couples.


Other major monument s include King's College Chapel, Cambridge (1446-1515), and the chapel of Henry VII in Westminster Abbey.


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This paper analyzes the compound attractor structure of a new three-dimensional autonomous chaotic system.


ON shut rivals out of their transmission systems and shy away from reinvesting their profits in network improvements.


Objective: Elucidate the medicinal licorice species circumscription in order to develop licorice resources in China and select new cultivars.
